If you are not sleeping ... 0 Overview Using this Resource Connecting to the Curriculum Marking Student Responses Further Resources This task is about understanding a poem and the language used. Read the poem Night Noises by Joy Watson (Junior Journal 4, 1998). Then answer the following questions. Question 2Change answer a) What are the three animals in this poem? Question 2Change answer b) The words "night" and "fight" rhyme. Write down two other pairs of words in the poem that rhyme with each other. i) rhymes with ii) rhymes with Question 2Change answer c) The words "spitting", "hissing", and "scratching" are action verbs. c) The words "spitting", "hissing", and "scratching" are action verbs. Write down two other action verbs that are in the poem. Question 2Change answer d) The words "spitting" and "scratching" start with the same sound and are placed together to make the poem sound interesting. Write down two other sets of words from the poem which are next to each other and start with the same sound. i) and ii) and Question 2Change answer e) Write a title to go with this poem. Task administration: This task can be completed with pen and paper or online (without auto marking). Copyright: Night Noises - Text and images first published by Learning Media Limited in Junior Journal 4 on behalf of the Ministry of Education. © Joy Watson. Illustrations © Crown 1998. Reproduced with permission. Source: Junior Journal, Learning Media, 1988. Level: 2 Curriculum info: English, Making meaning, Reading Key Competencies: Thinking Keywords: poetry, comprehension, rhyme, verbs, alliteration, junior journal, vocabulary, language features Description of task: Students read a poem to answer questions that focus on the language used. Text provided. Curriculum Links: Links to the Literacy Learning Progressions for Reading: This resource helps to identify students’ ability to: recognise language features use comprehension strategies as described in the Literacy Learning Progressions for Reading at: http://www.literacyprogressions.tki.org.nz/The-Structure-of-the-Progressions. Learning Progression FrameworksThis resource can provide evidence of learning associated with Making sense of text: processing system, set 3Making sense of text: vocabulary knowledge, sets 3-4 within the Reading Learning Progressions Frameworks.Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks. Answers/responses: Y4 (11/1999) a) Cats, dogs, hedgehogs very easy b) Any 2 of: "chasing", "racing" "howling", "prowling" "dark", "bark" "reply", "sky" "sleep", "creep" "pass", "grass" 2 correct – very easy 1 correct – very easy c) Accept any 2 action verbs from the poem, e.g., shouting, howling. 2 correct – easy 1 correct – very easy d) Any 2 of: "hissing, howling" "snuffling, snorting" "rest, reply" 2 correct – moderate 1 correct – very easy e) Accept any title which relates to the topic of the poem, e.g., "Night Noises" "Animal Noises" "What Animals do at Night" "In the Night" "In the Dark" [Do not accept, "Noises" or "Animals"] easy Trampoline bounce Spider Looking up, looking down Hide-and-go-seek Mako shark Moods The windy night Sudden Storm Washday for the clouds My other jandal What or who am I? What is it? What are "they"?