Spider 0 Overview Using this Resource Connecting to the Curriculum Marking Student Responses Further Resources This task is about reading to find information and to make inferences. Read the poem Spider by Alan Bagnall (School Journal part 1, number 4, 1996). Look carefully at the pictures. Then answer the questions below. Question 1Change answer a) Why is the spider in the jar? a) Why is the spider in the jar? Question 1Change answer b) When will the spider be set free? b) When will the spider be set free? Question c) The child who is hanging from the branch is most likely scared. curious. playful. sad. Task administration: This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online. Copyright: Spider - Text was first published by Learning Media Limited in School Journal, on behalf of the Ministry of Education. © Alan Bagnall (permission granted for use). Illustration: © Crown. Level: 2 Curriculum info: English, Making meaning, Reading Key Competencies: Using language, symbols, and texts Keywords: poetry, comprehension, visual cues, locate information, inference Description of task: Students read a poem and its illustrations to answer retrieval and inferential questions. Text provided. Curriculum Links: Links to the Literacy Learning Progressions for Reading: This resource helps to identify students’ ability to: use comprehension strategies as described in the Literacy Learning Progressions for Reading at: http://www.literacyprogressions.tki.org.nz/The-Structure-of-the-Progressions. Learning Progression FrameworksThis resource can provide evidence of learning associated with Making sense of text: processing system, set 3 within the Reading Learning Progressions Frameworks.Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks. Answers/responses: Y4 (05/1999) a) Any 1 of: Because he has been captured. To be on show for all to see. So he can not frighten anybody. very easy b) After all the kids have seen him. very easy c) curious. no estimate The magic wand Mouse party Reading pictures Making chapattis Delicious Steamed Kai Hide-and-go-seek House Bus Brushes and hedgehogs The Lion and the Monkeys Why possums live in trees Mako shark Moods The windy night Sofi's first night away Down Comes A Tree A Load of Junk What or who am I? Rock Doc Giant weta What is it? Cuthbert's Babies A gift for Aunty Ngā The impossible bridge Insect protection White Sunday in Samoa Tom's Tryathlon What are "they"? Daisy Data Railway Crossings Too Much Noise! Whale watch Moths and butterflies Whose nest is this? What you can really see