The Lion and the Monkeys

The Lion and the Monkeys

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This task is about using information and making inferences from a text.
Read the play The Lion and the Monkeys by June Walker. Then answer the questions below.

Question 2Change answer

a)  In the play the lion uses different words from the monkeys to describe himself. The chart below shows the monkeys' words. Finish each line by writing in the words the lion uses. The first one has been done for you.
The Monkeys' Words The Lion's Words   The Monkeys' Words The Lion's Words
claws Fingernails   ears
teeth   legs
jaws   roar

Question 2Change answer

b)  Why does the lion try to make himself seem gentle?

Question 2Change answer

c)  Why does the lion think the monkeys are silly when they say, "May we come in your cage, Mr Lion?"

Question 2Change answer

d) Why do the monkeys call the lion "silly" at the end of the play?
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online (without auto-marking).
Curriculum info: 
Key Competencies: 
Description of task: 
Students read a play to answer retrieval and inferential questions. Text provided.
Curriculum Links: 
Links to the Literacy Learning Progressions for Reading:
This resource helps to identify students’ ability to:
  • use comprehension strategies
  • reflect critically about character
as described in the Literacy Learning Progressions for Reading at:
Learning Progression Frameworks
This resource can provide evidence of learning associated with within the Reading Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks.


Y4 (11/1999)


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Any 1 of:

  • So that the monkeys will come into his cage.
  • He wants to eat the monkeys.

Any 1 of:

  • He is planning/going to eat the monkeys (and he thinks they don't realise this).
  • He thinks he has tricked the monkeys.

Any 1 of:

  • They know he is going to eat them.
  • They know he is trying to trick them.
  • He is silly to think he has fooled them/that they would go into his cage.
  • The monkeys have tricked the lion.