Whale watch

Whale watch

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This task is about making inferences from a text.

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a)  Max said he wore a necklace for good luck. What was the good luck he was hoping for?

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b)  Why did Lester put the hydrophone in the water?

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c)  Why did Lester take the whale watchers five kilometres offshore?

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d)  What are two possible reasons for the hydrophone not picking up any sounds?

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e)  The words "We waited …and waited…" have been written in large print to make them stand out. What might this tell us about how Max was feeling?

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f)  What was the first clue Max had, that a whale was at the surface near the boat?

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g)  Describe a time you felt like Max.

Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online (without auto-marking).
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
A recount about a whale watch is the context for comprehension questions that require making inferences. The recount is reproduced in the resource. SJ-1-1-1998. Text provided.
Curriculum Links: 
Links to the Literacy Learning Progressions for Reading:
This resource helps to identify students’ ability to:

  • use comprehension strategies
  • infer ideas and information that are not directly stated in the text

as described in the Literacy Learning Progressions for Reading at: http://www.literacyprogressions.tki.org.nz/The-Structure-of-the-Progressions.

Learning Progression Frameworks
This resource can provide evidence of learning associated with within the Reading Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks.

Y4 (10/2000)


Seeing a whale.

very easy


Any 1 of:

  • To "hear"/find out/check/see if a whale was there.
  • To try to pick up whale sounds.



Any 1 of:

  • The water is deep there.
  • The food whales like to eat can be found there.
  • That is where whales can be found/whales are not found close to shore.



  • The whale was on its way to/near the surface.
  • The whale was asleep deep under the water/the hydrophone wasn't deep enough in the water.

2 correct – difficult

1 correct – moderate


He was feeling bored/impatient/anxious/worried/ disappointed/sad.



He heard a rush of air/it breathing.



Accept any answer in which there is an obvious link between the experience the child describes and Max's experiences. Experiences could include:

  • looking forward to something.
  • having to wait for something.
  • hoping you won't be disappointed.
  • having an exciting/moving experience.
