Max's day

Max's day

Auto-markingOnline interactive
Using this Resource
Connecting to the Curriculum
Marking Student Responses
Further Resources
This task is about ordering activities for different times in the day.

Question Change answer

Below is a timeline for Max's day, but the times for when activities start are missing.
For each activity, drag and drop the time that it would most likely start in the box below.
Image counting main image
Task administration: 
This task is completed online and has auto marking displayed to students.
  • Students need to be able to accurately drag and drop images.
  • Explain to the children that the times may be different to when they do the activities, but to choose the best time from those given.
  • You may want to read the instructions to the students.
Description of task: 
Students construct a time line by choosing the best digital time for a range of common daily activities.
Curriculum Links: 
This resource can help to identify students' understanding of applying measurement sense to time for the Measurement strand.

All 7 digital times are dragged into correct order.


NOTE: An error could be an omission of a time, transposition of two times, confusion with a.m. and p.m., or one times out of order by one (ie., all times out by one).