Solving word problems

Solving word problems

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This task is about solving multiplication word problems. 
illustration: selection of number sentences with an unknown number
Solve the following word problems below. An equation is given for the first two to help you.

Question 1Change answer

a) A licorice strap is 40 cm long.
8 × box with question mark = 40
How many 8 cm pieces could it be cut into?

Question 1Change answer

b)  All the helpers at the fair wore a 6 cm piece of red ribbon. 54 cm of ribbon was used. 
6 × box with question mark = 54
How many helpers were there?

Question 1Change answer

c) Kerrin had 35 metres of string. He cut it into 5 equal lengths.
i) How long was each piece?  metres
ii) Write down an equation to describe how Kerrin cut his string. The equation should use multiplication like the examples before.

Question 1Change answer

d) i) Complete the following word problem for this equation:
6 × box with question mark = 24
     Josiah has 24 marbles. He then ...
ii) What number is missing from the equation?
Task administration: 
This task is completed with pencil and paper or online with some auto-marking.
Description of task: 
Students complete linear equations for given word problems involving multiplication.
Curriculum Links: 
Key competencies
This resource involves writing word problems that corresponds to given number sentences. This relates to the Key Competency: Using language, symbols and text.
Learning Progression Frameworks
This resource can provide evidence of learning associated with within the Mathematics Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks.

Y6 (12/1997)

a)   5 pieces very easy
b)   9 helpers easy
c) i)
7 m
5 × = 35
[Accept if "7" is included or answer to b) i) is used.
 Accept 5 × = 35 or 5 × 7 = 35 but
not 7 × = 35 or 7 × = 35]
d) i)


Sorts the marbles into 6 equal piles. How many marbles per pile? [Or any other equivalent problem]


Diagnostic and formative information: 
  Common error Likely misconception
c) ii) 35 ÷ 5 = 7
7 × = 35
Writes as a division rather than multiplication equation.

Writes equation as 7x = 35 rather than 5x = 35.

d) i) Describes a subtraction problem.