Sorting temperatures

Sorting temperatures

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This task is about sorting temperatures from hottest to coldest.

Question Change answer

Sort the names of the 5 things below in order from hottest to coldest.
  • ms2145_cold_tap.gif
  • ms2145_pool.gif
  • ms2145_hot_tap.gif
  • ms2145_iceblock.gif
  • ms2145_soup.gif
1, 2
Description of task: 
Students order five situations involving different temperatures of water from hottest to coldest.


Y4 (09/2001)

Boiling soupHot waterHeated swimming poolCold waterIce block

*an error could include a missing response or a transposition of 2 items

All 5 in correct order -moderate 1 error* -very easy

Diagnostic and formative information: 

Common errors

Transposes Ice block and Cold water.Transposes Hot water and Boiling soup.Transposes Heated swimming pool and Hot water.