Sorting temperatures II

Sorting temperatures II

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This task is about sorting temperatures from hot to cold.

Question Change answer

Sort the images into order from hottest to coldest.
  • bathwater-MS2152.png
  • ice-cream-MS2152.png
  • jar-jam-MS2152.png
  • apples-fridge-MS2152.png
  • cup-milo-MS2152.png
  • boiling-water-MS2152.png
Task administration: 
This task can be completed online or with pencil and paper, and other equipment.
Use the online version or paper to glue pictures onto; scissors; glue or tape.
You may need to remind students to order their pictures from "hottest", at the top of the page, to "coldest", at the bottom of the page.

1, 2
Description of task: 
This practical task requires students to rank a series of pictures of everyday objects in order from hottest to coldest.

2 marks
(for all 6 correct)
1 mark
(1 error in order, this includes a missing response or transposition)
