Using DNA

This task is about understanding the purpose of an article.
Scientific Police Weapons
Source: Le Liguer, 27 May 1998
Refer to the magazine article above to answer the following questions. |
1. |
To explain the structure of DNA, the author talks about a pearl necklace. How do these pearl necklaces vary from one individual to another? |
(A) | They vary in length. | |
(B) | The order of the pearls is different. | |
(C) | The number of necklaces is different. | |
(D) | The colour of the pearls is different. | |
2. |
What is the purpose of the box headed "How is the genetic identity card revealed?" To explain |
(A) | what DNA is. | |
(B) | what a bar code is. | |
(C) | how cells are analysed to find the pattern of DNA. | |
(D) | how it can proved that a crime has been committed. | |
3. |
What is the author's main aim? |
(A) | To warn. | |
(B) | To amuse. | |
(C) | To inform. | |
(D) | To convince. | |
4. |
The end of the introduction (the first shaded section) says: "But how to prove it?" According to the passage, investigators try to find an answer to this question by |
(A) | interrogating witnesses. | |
(B) | carrying out genetic analyses. | |
(C) | interrogating the suspect thoroughly. | |
(D) |
going over all the results of the investigation again.