An article about a female wrestler provides the context for this assessment that combines a retrieval chart with questions on alliteration, vocabulary, and comprehension.
Students read a report on a fisheries officer's work and make mainly short written responses. The assessment focus is on comprehension and vocabulary. SJ-3-3-1990. Text provided.
A poem and brief article about Japanese dolls is the context for this comprehension resource that has focus on comparisons and purpose. SJ-2-2-1983. Text provided.
From a school newspaper interview about a school production, students complete a retrieval chart for a press release. The assessment focus is on identifying key information.
New Zealand's steepest street is the context for this resource. Comprehension questions require students to find information and make inferences. The text is provided with this resource. SJ-4-3-1996. Text provided.
Students read an article on dog grooming. They find information to complete a retrieval chart and answer comprehension questions. SJ-1-1-1997. Text not provided.
A newspaper article on working from home is the stimulus for this resource. The assessment focus is on looking at both sides of an issue, vocabulary and comprehension.
Students use comprehension skills to answer a range of questions based on a newspaper story. Knowledge of adjectives and alliteration is also required.