4 View from a different angle II 3 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesviewsvisualising Students identify which shapes are identical to a given shape that have been rotated. Preview
5 Length and scale factor 1 Keywords: enlargementlengthscale factor From diagrams of four original and enlarged drawings to be used for Christmas wrapping paper, students identify the scale factor used and find a missing length on either the enlarged picture or the original picture. Preview
5 Inside a triangular prism 0 Keywords: interior anglesmodel constructionright angled trianglestriangular prisms Students build a triangular prism and identify some of the interior right-angled triangles. Preview
4 Compass points 6 Keywords: bearingscompassdirectionmaps Students identify towns and cities on a map using compass points. Preview
5 Angles of an octagon 1 Keywords: angle propertiesanglesexterior anglesinterior anglesregular polygons Students calculate the interior and exterior angles of a regular octagon and explain their calculations. Preview
4 Decoding Co-ordinate references 4 Keywords: co-ordinatesgrid referencesgrids Students use co-ordinates to identify a coded message. Preview
3 Directions to food 6 Keywords: bearingscompassdirectionmapsscale Students are required to describe the compass direction and distance that an ant travels toward different items of food positioned on a grid. Preview
4 View from a different angle 2 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesviewsvisualising Students identify shapes after they have been rotated in 3 dimensions. Preview
23 Nets for a cube 2 Keywords: cubesnetspeer assessmentpredictionself-assessment Students predict nets that fold to make a cube, then cut out and fold the nets to check their prediction. Preview
3 Square or not? 3 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapesshape propertiessquares Student select shapes that are similar but not squares and explain what makes them squares or not. Preview
3 Folding nets II 4 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesfoldingmatchingnetspeer assessmentprismsself-assessment Students predict which 3-dimensional shapes nets will make and then fold nets to identify the shapes. Preview
3 Rectangle or not? 3 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapesshape properties Students decide whether shapes rectangles or not and explain their reasoning. Preview
3 Triangle or not? 3 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapesshape propertiestriangles Student select shapes that are similar but not triangles and explain what makes them triangles or not. Preview
34 What Shape am I? 12 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapesshape properties Students identify different shapes from clues about their properties and then create their own clues to share with a buddy. Preview
5 Triangles and rectangles 1 Keywords: arearectanglestriangles Students compare the area of two different triangles. Preview
3 Nets for rectangular prisms 2 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesnetsrectangular prismsvisualising Students identify which nets, from a range of options, could fold to make rectangular prisms. Preview
3 Net of an open box II 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesnets Students identify which nets can be folded to make an open box shape. Preview
12 Corners and sides II 4 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapescornersshape propertiessides Students identify shapes with given shape properties. Preview
2 Describing 2-D shapes 7 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapesedgesshape propertiesvertices Students give the number of vertices, straight lines, and curved lines and complete sentences to describe different 2-dimensional shapes. Preview
5 Scale factor and dimensions 1 Keywords: areaenlargementlengthresizingscale factorvolume Students calculate increases in length, area, and volume, and relate this to the scale factor for an enlargement. Preview
1 Where are the toys? 3 Keywords: ESOLdirectionleftlocationpositionright Students select the correct way to describe where a toy is located on a shelf. Preview
2 Giving directions 4 Keywords: directionleftmapspeer assessmentright Students respond to and give directions about a simple path on a map involving right or left turns. Preview