4 Time to get to school 8 Keywords: distributiongraph interpretationhistogramswork samples Students identify a correct statement about the overall distribution of a graph and explain their reasoning. Preview
4 Building colours 2 Keywords: bar graphsgraph interpretation Students read statements based on a bar graph and show understanding by marking whether each statement is correct. Preview
3 Toy car collections 2 Keywords: distributiondot plotsgraph interpretation Students compare the overall distribution of two graphs and describe their reasons. Preview
45 Coin throws 0 Keywords: combinationsindependenceprobabilitytree diagrams Students identify the most likely combination of throws for a fair coin, and explain their reasons. Preview
1 Who says what? 1 Keywords: graph interpretationpictographs Students select the correct statement that matches a given graph. Preview
34 Ice cream and temperatures 4 Keywords: bi-variate datadistributioninterpreting graphsscatterplots Students interpret a scatterplot and identify statements about both details and overall information. Preview
3 House addresses 2 Keywords: bar graphsdot plotsgraph interpretationline graphspie graphs Students decide whether a graph is suitable to display category data and explain their answer. Preview
2 Colour of lunch boxes 9 Keywords: distributiondot plotsgraph interpretation Students decide which statement about a dot plot is incorrect and explain their reasoning. Preview
23 Spin a surprise 3 Keywords: independenceprobabilitywork samples Students recognise equal and different likelihoods when playing a game of chance. Preview
4 People and their pets 5 Keywords: distributiondot plotswork samples Students compare the overall distribution of two graphs and describe their reasons. Preview
3 Roll a prize 5 Keywords: independenceprobability Students recognise equal and different likelihoods when playing a game of chance and explain their reasoning. Preview
45 Throwing a coin 3 Keywords: independenceprobabilitywork samples Students identify the most likely sequence of tosses of a fair coin and explain their reasons. Preview
3 How many pets? 4 Keywords: distributiondot plotsgraph interpretationwork samples Students identify a correct statement about the comparing the overall distribution of two dot plots. Preview
4 Streets or roads 0 Keywords: graph interpretationline graphswork samples Students decide if a graph is suitable to display category data and explain the reasons. Preview