Task: sort pictures into specified groups and identify features that are common to each group. Assessment focus: classification of insects/non-insects.
Students review their knowledge of greenhouse gases and the effects of global warming. They identify areas where they are unsure, as well as things they know.
Students list four properties of copper metal and state if each property is physical or chemical. Students then explain how copper sulfate solution can be separated.
In this NEMP task students look at photos to describe similar and different environmental features of the moon, the Earth, Mars and the sun. Assessment focus: The solar system.
In the original NEMP task the assessor gave oral instructions, read the questions and wrote the answers for each student.
On a diagram of a flowering plant, students write in the name of each of the indicated plant parts. They are then asked to name the part that makes seeds, and makes food.
Students are given some information about what to do when whales are stranded on our beaches. They answer three questions using this information to help them.
Task: Students make predictions about evaporation rates of instances where surface areas are a factor, select which variable is being investigated in both examples and explain their answer. Assessment focus: Using knowledge of surface area to make predictions.
Students answer questions about the size of a balloon as the air temperature changes. The resource assesses students' understanding of the effect of temperature on gases.
Explain how to test if a solution is an acid or not, and describe and explain what happens if rusty nails are put in an acid. Assessment focus: acid reactions.