Students are given eight pictures of animals and are asked to identify which of these are mammals. Students are also asked to give two features of mammals.
Students are provided with seven drawings of different animals and are asked to draw circles around those that are insects. Two features of insects are also required.
Task: Identify the features of three animals, name their classification group, and answer two questions comparing features of the groups. Assessment focus: classification of animals.
Students are provided with a situation where the bank on the school field is eroding. They are asked to write a plan for a tree-planting programme that would help to slow down the erosion.
This practical task assesses students' ability to identify the larger group that four animals belong to and then to identify the features that those groups have using animal cards and labels.
Task: Students draw a picture of a burning candle to show changes that occur. Assessment focus: representing the way particles behave when material undergoes temporary and permanent changes.