5 Circumference and diameter 1 Keywords: circumferencediameterreading scales In this practical task, students measure two circular objects to find the circumference, diameter and the relationship between them (pi). Preview
5 Non-linear scales 1 Keywords: non-linear scalesplotting scalesreading scales Students read from, and mark points on, non-linear scales. Preview
4 Looking at capacity 0 Keywords: capacityestimationreading scales In this practical task, students estimate the capacity of two different sized containers, then check their estimates with a measuring jug. Preview
4 Looking at length 0 Keywords: estimationlengthpracticalreading scales In this practical task, students estimate the length of two common classroom objects, then check their estimates with a ruler. Preview
3 How many grams? 1 Keywords: estimationpracticalreading scalesweight In this practical task, students estimate, then measure, the weight of two bags using kitchen scales. Preview
3 How many centimetres? 2 Keywords: estimationlengthreading scales In this practical task, students estimate, then measure, the length of two objects using a ruler. Preview
3 Estimating temperature 2 Keywords: estimationtemperature In this practical task, students estimate and then measure temperatures. Preview
2 Comparing measures on a scale 1 Keywords: equal togreater thanless thanlinear scalesreading scales Students read pairs of measurements on linear scales and identify which are greater than, less than, or equal to. Preview
3 Watch your speed 2 Keywords: linear scalesreading scalesspeed Students read scales from a car speedometer. Preview
4 The Beaufort scale 1 Keywords: reading scalestable interpretationwind Students use the Beaufort Scale, found on the Met Service website, to answer questions about wind speed. Preview
3 How many millilitres? 1 Keywords: capacityestimationreading scales In this practical task, students estimate, then measure, the volume of two containers using a measuring jug. Preview
4 Looking at weight 2 Keywords: estimationpracticalreading scalesweight In this practical task, students estimate the weight of two different sized bags, then check their estimates using kitchen scales. Preview
3 Reading scales II 4 Keywords: linear scalesreading scales Students read scales from pictures of everyday measuring equipment. Preview
3 Reading a temperature scale 2 Keywords: linear scalesreading scalestemperature Students identify the measure of temperature off linear scales. Preview
3 Different rulers 2 Keywords: decimalsnumber linesreading scales Students identify decimal numbers on a number line. Preview
4 Changing temperatures II 4 Keywords: negative numbersreading scalestemperature Students read temperatures on thermometers and identify where changes of temperature would be marked. Preview
23 Reading scales 3 Keywords: linear scalesreading scales Students read scales from pictures of everyday measuring equipment. Preview
2 Reading scales III 2 Keywords: linear scalesreading scales Students read scales from pictures of everyday measuring equipment. Preview
4 Measuring the angle 3 Keywords: anglesmeasuringreading scales Students use a protractor to find given angles and draw angles of given degrees. Preview
4 Angles on a window 2 Keywords: anglesmeasuringreading scales This task requires students to use a protractor to draw in three angles on a half circle window design. Preview
3 Creating scales III 0 Keywords: qualitative datareading scales Students complete qualitative scales to describe feelings about homework, lunch, and assembly behaviour. Preview