5 Community Fundraising 0 Keywords: box-and-whisker graphsgraph interpretation Students study a box-and-whisker graph of community fundraising, and answer questions interpreting the data. Preview
5 Exam results 1 Keywords: box-and-whisker graphsgraph interpretationmedianrange Students study a box-and-whisker graph of examination results for Maths and Science, and answer questions on comparison, median, range and proportion. Preview
5 Maths exam 3 Keywords: box-and-whisker graphsgraph interpretationmedianrange Students show their interpretation of a box-and-whisker graph by answering questions about the data. Preview
5 Teacher salaries 0 Keywords: box-and-whisker graphsgraph interpretationoutliers Students study a box-and-whisker graph and answer questions on median, quartile and outliers. Preview
5 Social studies test 0 Keywords: box-and-whisker graphsdata interpretationdistributionmedianrange Students study a box-and-whisker graph of Social Studies marks for 4 classes. They answer questions interpreting the data, and comparing, range and best performance. Preview
5 Auckland temperatures 1 Keywords: box-and-whisker graphsgraph interpretationmedianrangetime-series Students interpret a box-and-whisker graph of maximum daily temperatures over time. Preview