12 Types of fruit 7 Keywords: table constructiontally charts Students complete a chart showing the tally and total for different kinds of fruit. Preview
4 Art class marks 0 Keywords: table constructiontally charts Students construct a tally chart of project marks by grouping the marks, tallying and then totalling each group of marks.. Preview
12 Coloured sticks 3 Keywords: table constructiontally charts In this practical task, students design a tally chart to record the number of different coloured ice-block sticks in an envelope. Students use the sticks as tally marks. Preview
2 Tallying shapes 4 Keywords: table constructiontally charts Students record the number of different shapes on a tally chart and total each. Preview
12 Shared lunch 10 Keywords: table constructiontally charts Students complete and total a tally chart of food left from Tiare's party. Preview
1 Animal graphs 5 Keywords: bar graphsgraph interpretationtally charts Students match bar graphs to tally charts. Preview
34 School rubbish II 2 Keywords: pollutionrubbishtable constructiontally charts Students decide how to group a selection of data about rubbish on the school field and construct a tally chart and frequency table. Preview
4 Birth months I 1 Keywords: planning investigationssurveystable constructiontally charts Students plan aspects of a statistical investigation about the most common birth month in Year 8, including designing a table for data collection. Preview