Historical event II

Historical event II

Pencil and paper
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This task is about presenting an informative speech.
Event of historical interest
Prepare a speech about an historical event, to present to the class or a small group.
  • Write the 4-5 main ideas of your speech on a cue card or into your presentation software. Do not write out the whole speech.
  • The speech is not to be read or memorised.
  • Use a digital presentation format if you wish.
  • Your teacher will tell you how long your speech needs to be.
Historic events: signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, Rugby world cup, sinking of the Wahine, Gallipoli
Task administration: 
  • Prior to this speech assessment, each student needs to have carried out some research on a particular topic to use as a basis for his or her speech.
  • The length of the speech to be decided by the teacher.
  • Assessment scoring guides A, B, and C are all suitable for this task.
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
The context for this oral assessment is an informative speech about a famous person or an historical event. ARB scoring guides A, B, and C are suitable for this task.
The following Oral Language Assessment Guides – Speaking, can be used with this resource.

Click for more information about the Oral Language Assessment Guides – Speaking.