Informing Speech

Informing Speech

Pencil and paper
Using this Resource
Connecting to the Curriculum
Further Resources
This task is about giving a speech to explain or teach something.

Your task is to give a short speech to explain something new to your audience.

The audience may ask you questions at the end of your speech. 

Your teacher will help you choose a topic and will tell you how long your speech needs to be.

Use the checklist below to make sure you have prepared your speech well.

Your speech will need to include:

  • a beginning that clearly tells the audience what your topic is
  • a middle that 'teaches' the audience something about your topic
  • an ending that invites the audience to learn more about the topic.

You can use the checklist below to help prepare your speech.

Have you:



  • prepared cue cards to help you remember the main points of your speech?

  • practised speaking with a clear voice?

  • practised speaking without reading from your cue cards?

  • timed your speech?  



  • thought about what questions the audience might ask you?



Does your speech:



  • have a beginning, middle, and end?



  • entertain or interest your audience?



Task administration: 
  • A suggested length for these speeches is between 1 and 2 minutes.
  • Assessment scoring guides B and D are suitable for this task.
Examples of topics:

  • The equipment needed to play the sport of ...
  • Cooking in a hangi
  • Caring for your teeth
  • Why my family celebrates 'White Sunday'
  • Protecting our kai moana
  • An idea that fits with a current class or school focus.

The following Oral Language Assessment Guides – Speaking can be used with this resource.

Click on the link for more information about the Oral Language Assessment Guides - Speaking

Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
This task assess the ability to give a short speech that teaches the audience something new. Scoring guides are provided.