Persuasive speech II

Persuasive speech II

Pencil and paper
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This task is about making a speech to persuade your audience to agree with your opinion.
Jacinda Arden
Your task is to give a speech that will persuade your audience to agree with your opinion about a topic.
  • Choose a topic from the list your teacher gives you. Your teacher will tell you how long your speech should be.
  • Write the main points of your speech on cue cards to help you remember them. Do not write out all the words of your speech.

Your speech will need to include:

  • an introduction where you clearly state your opinion about the topic
  • your reasons for your opinion
  • words that express how you feel about this topic
  • a conclusion that encourages the audience to agree with you.

You can use the checklist below to help prepare your speech.

Have you:



  • chosen your topic?

  • planned your speech?  



  • prepared cue cards?

  • practised speaking with a clear voice?



  • practised speaking without reading your cue cards?



  • timed your talk?

Task administration: 
  • To complete this task, students need to be able to plan a speech independently.
  • Assessment scoring guides A, B, and D are all suitable for this task.
Examples of topics:

  • What schools should really teach
  • McDonald's burgers are better than KFC burgers
  • Why our school should have a student council
  • Rules are made for breaking
  • Secondary schools should start at Year 7
  • Drivers should always give way to bike riders
  • Skateboards, scooters, and/or bikes should not be banned from the shopping mall.

The following Oral Language Assessment Guides – Speaking, can be used with this resource.

Click on the link for more information about the Oral Language assessment guides - Speaking

Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
This task assesses a student's ability to persuade an audience to agree with their opinion. Some speech topics and a checklist are provided.