Making a block tower

Making a block tower

Pencil and paper
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This task is about making a model from blocks.
Drawn below are five views of the same object.
Make a model of the object using the blocks provided.
You may not need to use all your blocks.
The shaded squares in the drawings are 4-pin blocks, and the unshaded squares are 8-pin blocks.
Top View
Front View
Right Side View
Left Side View
Back View
 Your solution
Task administration: 
3 × 8-pin blocks of the same colour; 3 × 4-pin blocks of another same colour per student (e.g., Lego or Duplo blocks).]
  • Multilink cubes could be used with single cubes of the same colour representing the 4-pin blocks, and two multilink cubes of the same colour representing the 8-pin blocks.
  • Students may need reminding that the shaded squares in the drawings represent 4-pin or single blocks, and the unshaded squares represent 8-pin or double blocks.
Description of task: 
This practical task requires students to construct a model, using blocks, from drawings of five different view points of that model.
Curriculum Links: 
Learning Progression Frameworks
This resource can provide evidence of learning associated with within the Mathematics Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks.
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