Finding the fraction of things

Finding the fraction of things

Pencil and paper
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Marking Student Responses
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Further Resources
This task is about finding fractions of quantities.
a) Jess has 8 toy horses. This is 14 of her collection of toy animals.
Show how to work out how many toy animals she has altogether.


Answer: __________  
In Te Kanohi School 30 students have cell phones. This is 35 of the students at the school.
Show how to work out how many students there are in the school altogether.


Answer: __________  
At a game of rugby there are 84 people in the crowd. 47 of them support the home team.
Show how to work out how many home team supporters there are.


Answer: __________  
Task administration: 
This task is completed with pencil and paper only.
Description of task: 
Students show how to calculate maths problems involving fractions as a part and as a whole.
Curriculum Links: 
This resource can help to identify students' ability to apply additive or multiplicative strategies flexibly to find fractions of quantities.
Key competencies
This resource involves recording the strategies students use to find fractions of quantities. This relates to the Key Competency: Using language, symbols and text.
Learning Progression Frameworks
This resource can provide evidence of learning associated with within the Mathematics Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks.
    Y10 (09/2008)
a) 32
Working involving:

  • Identifying the unit fraction and building up 4 lots to make a whole,

i.e., 8 = 1/4 , so 4 lots of 8 is 32;

  • Stating that 8 × 4 = 32 (the difference between the two answers is that the first involves more indication why 8 can be multiplied by 4 or that 8 is added 4 times);
  • Using a pronumeral to solve the problem, i.e., 8/x = 1/4 or 8 = x/4 (check); or
  • Other conceptually correct strategy (e.g., cross multiplying).
very easy
very easy
b) 50
Working involving:

  • Identifying the unit fraction and building up 5 lots to make a whole,

i.e., 3/5 = 30, so 1/5 = 10, therefore 5/5 is 50;

  • Dividing by 3 and multiplying by 5 (fraction as an operation of multiplication and division), i.e., (30 ÷ 3) × 5;
  • Using a pronumeral to solve the problem, i.e., 3/5 = 30/x ; or
  • Other conceptually correct strategy (e.g., cross multiplying).
c) 48
Working involving:

  • Identifying the unit fraction and building up 4 lots to make 4/7,

i.e., 1/7 = 84 ÷ 7 = 12, so 4/7 = 4 × 12 = 48;

  • Dividing by 7 and multiplying by 4 (fraction as an operation of multiplication and division), i.e., (84 ÷ 7) × 4.
  • Using a pronumeral to solve the problem, i.e., x/84 = 4/7 ; or
  • Other conceptually correct strategy (e.g., cross multiplying).

Based on a representative sample of 161 students.

Diagnostic and formative information: 

This resource is about fractions as operators which can be seen as a different "personality" of fractions.  This idea follows on from the understanding that fractions represent part-whole relationships (part-whole understanding of fractions), and these problems can be solved by identifying the part and the whole.  Some students set up the problem as a ratio problem and used ratios, pronumerals and cross multiplication to solve.  These fractions questions were of two forms: find the whole, given the part and find the part, given the whole.  Only a small number (well under 10%) of students made the error of finding the whole or the part when it was already given.  Most of these were for question b).

Prior knowledge
Students should have an understanding of fractions as part-whole relationships for regions, sets, and whole numbers.

The most common (45%) strategy across all questions that students used was applying multiplication and division appropriately.  Other students (21%) identified a basic fraction and combined them together to get the solution.  In terms of accuracy of these two strategies, fewer errors were made by the students who used the basic fraction strategy (98% compared to 94%), but essentially they are similar.

  Common error Likely misconception
Finds 1/4 of 8 rather than 8 as 1/4 .
Finds 3/5 of 30 rather than 30 as 3/5 .
c) 147 Treats 84 as 4/7 of the whole and solves to find the whole. or divides and multiplies by the wrong numbers ((84 ÷ 4) × 7)
Miscalculates 8 × 4 = 24
Doesn't take into account the numerator and then multiplies the part by the denominator, i.e., 30 × 5.
Next steps: 
Finding the whole or the part when they were already given
For students who may have misinterpreted the question, ask them to describe what the maths problem is and what they are finding out.  Students who have only seen questions involving find the fraction of this whole may need to compare the different forms of fraction operator questions to see what is actually being asked.  These questions are written in different forms to explore the understanding behind the problem, and to avoid students decoding and relying on a remembered process to solve.  This is to encourage their ability to transfer the learning to other similar (but not the same) problems.

Insufficient or incomplete working
Students who showed insufficient or no working may have not experienced the need for working or not believe it is important to show working if they know the answer.  Developing the ability to make a mathematical statement (such as how they worked it out) is a valid part of the mathematics learning.  It can also provide significant formative information about their learning needs.
Students who showed their working as repeating or summarising information from the question may need to discuss what constitutes working (or an argument), or even that working is their rationale for their answer.  Students could share their working and identify if it is sufficiently explicit to be a justification for the answer they have given.  As multiple strategies is an important aspect of contemporary mathematics pedagogy, value needs to be placed on encouraging students to communicate their strategies, both orally (see whole class discussion), and in writing.

Cannot work out fractions of a whole number
Students who worked out other incorrect solutions to the problems may need to look at more basic fraction problems and smaller whole numbers that can be modelled by counters as required, e.g., 3/4 of 12, 1/5 of 15, and If 2/3 is 6 what is a whole?  Students could also look at Partitioning sets.
See Fraction thinking concept map: Fractions as operators.

Modifying resources for further exploration into fractions as operators
Students, who correctly showed their working and solved the problems, could look at other students' strategies as well as look at more complex problems of this kind.  Teachers can copy and paste this resource to change the fractions, quantities and contexts.