A model of combining two short sentences is given. Students create simple then compound sentences to go with some photos, using simple conjunctions to join sentences. A peer sharing task completes the resource.
A tale about a character who resolves a problem creatively provides the context for this cloze exercise. Students use their vocabulary and knowledge of grammar to fill in the missing words.
Students create simple then compound sentences to go with a photo, using simple conjunctions to join sentences. A peer sharing task completes the resource.
Students choose a proverb from a list, then prepare and make a short speech explaining the proverb's message. The assessment focus is on explaining an idea, using an example and personal opinion. ARB scoring guides B and C are suitable for this task.
This task requires students to do a visual character analysis from an image out of Cinderella: An Art Deco Love Story, retold by Lynn Roberts and illustrated by David Roberts. Due to the pervasive nature of the story of Cinderella and the complexity of the imagery from this particular book, it is expected that students will draw on both their previous knowledge of the fairytale and the descriptive elements of the illustration to make a subjective, but valid, interpretation of character.
Assessment focus: ability to de-construct and interpret messages in advertising, so that students can understand meaning-making processes in the construction of imagery.
Students listen to instructions on where to go when visiting the zoo, then draw the path on a map. The assessment focus is on listening, recalling, and following instructions.
Students read a narrative then complete three tasks that focus on one of the characters. Assessment focus: an evaluation of a character and the author's construction of that character. SJ-4-3-2004. Text provided.
Assessment focus: ability to use contextual clues to infer meaning of a word. (There is a link to the text used for this resource in the Using this Resource section.) Reading age 9.5-10.5. SJ-2-2006. Text provided.
Students are required to identify whether a series of statements about the School Journal story 'Personal Mail' are true or false, and to support their opinion with evidence from the text. This task assesses students' retrieval and inferential comprehension skills. SJ-3-1-1991. Text provided.
The context for this listening comprehension assessment is an extract on violins. Students listen to the extract and answer 6 multiple-choice questions. SJ-2-1-1994. Text not provided.
Students read an extract from a drama script and answer questions on props, dialogue, and stage sets. (The text used is reproduced in the the Teacher information pages.) SJ-4-1-2000. Text provided.