2 Adding coins 4 Keywords: additionmoney Students identify the coins that make up specified amounts of money. Preview
2 Adding and subtracting 3 Keywords: additionstory problemsstrategiessubtraction Students complete addition and subtraction story problems using the vertical algorithm. Preview
12 Going on a picnic 7 Keywords: additionsubtraction Students answer questions that involve adding, and subtracting several numbers. Preview
2 Working with numbers II 2 Keywords: additiondivisionnempstrategies For this NEMP task students use addition and division to solve story problems. Preview
24 Jack's cows 3 Keywords: additionnemp For this NEMP task students work out how many cows will be in a cattle yard from a story written in comic form. Preview
24 Money computations 2 Keywords: additiondivisionmoneymultiplicationnempsubtraction For this NEMP task students perform a range of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division calculations using whole numbers and decimal amounts of money. Preview
2 Change from $10 1 Keywords: additionchangemoneysubtraction Students work out the change from $10 for a number of purchases. Preview
23 Solving maths problems 13 Keywords: additionwork samples Students show how to solve some addition problems. Preview
12 Ten and Twenty 6 Keywords: additionplace valuetidy numberswhole numbers Students find and write the numbers to complete equations that add to 10 or 20. Preview
2 How much change? 2 Keywords: additionchangemoneysubtraction Students identify the correct change from purchasing food at a food bar. Preview
23 Going on camp 7 Keywords: subtraction Students solve subtraction story problems and show their strategies. Preview
23 Estimating addition IV 0 Keywords: additionestimation This task requires students to estimate some addition problems using any appropriate method. Preview
2 Lemons, library and sports 1 Keywords: additionsubtraction Students use addition and subtraction to solve story problems. Preview
2 Seeds and sweets 3 Keywords: additionstory problemssubtraction Students show how they perform an addition and a subtraction problem, and write their own subtraction story problem. Preview
23 Solving more maths problems 10 Keywords: subtractionwork samples Students show how to solve some subtraction problems. Preview
2 A few coins 0 Keywords: additionmoney Students identify the least number of coins needed to make up specified amounts of money. Preview
2 Number line addition and subtraction 2 Keywords: additionnumber linessubtraction Students use a number line to show how to solve whole number addition and subtraction problems. Preview
2 Adding to ten 2 Keywords: additionplace valuetidy numberswhole numbers Students find and write the numbers to complete simple equations that add to 10. Preview