The student may need to do the problems on materials. Starting with 15, get them to say "Take 1 away and I have 14".
23 (or 13)
[Uses subtraction but takes away the bigger digit from the smaller]
Students may explore similar subtractions where the strategy does not work (e.g., 65 - 57, which should be single digit).
Students could to show their working on the number line.
[Crosses the tens boundary without "renaming"]
Students could explore renaming using money ($10 and $1 notes).
Firstly take off 3 $10s.
Then substituting 10 $1 for $10
Then take 8 lots $1 away from 14 lots of $1
This demonstrates a correct "renaming" of $10 as 10 lots of $1.
For more information about addition, including different strategies students employ (including work samples) click on the link: Solving maths problems
For more information about subtraction, including different strategies students employ (including work samples) click on the link: Solving more maths problems