2 The right money 3 Keywords: additionmoney Students work out which row of coins represents a given amount. Preview
2 Adding to ten 2 Keywords: additionplace valuetidy numberswhole numbers Students find and write the numbers to complete simple equations that add to 10. Preview
2 Party balloons 6 Keywords: additionsubtraction Students use all addition and subtraction operations to perform calculations. Preview
2 Notes and coins 8 Keywords: moneyproblem solving Students work out the smallest and largest amounts of coins and notes in a piggy bank from statements about the number and type of money. Preview
2 Different dollars 2 Keywords: additioncombinationsmoneymultiplication In this practical task, students use plastic coins and paper notes to work out three different ways to make the same amount of money. Preview
2 Working out change 2 Keywords: moneysubtraction Students work out the change from given amounts of money for different purchases. Preview
2 Using shape numbers 6 Keywords: place value Students demonstrate their understanding of place value by identifying numbers shown in a shape-based number system. Preview
2 Addition and subtraction facts 1 Keywords: additionbasic factssubtractionwhole numbers Students give answers to addition and subtraction basic facts problems. Preview
2 The same total 0 Keywords: additioncombinationsmoneymultiplication Students identify different ways that given amounts of money can be made up using a range of coins and notes. Preview
2 Different coins 1 Keywords: additioncombinationsmoneymultiplication In this practical task, students use plastic coins to work out three different ways to make the same amount of money. Preview
2 Buying some things 3 Keywords: additionchangemoneyspendingsubtraction Students addition and subtraction to work out what they can buy with given amounts of money, and the change they will get. Preview
2 Adding sweets 5 Keywords: addition Students perform addition calculations based on information given in a table. Preview
2 Counting money 2 Keywords: additionmoney Students count amounts of money involving coins and notes. Preview
2 Adding and subtracting more numbers 10 Keywords: additionmoneysubtraction Students answer questions that ask them to add and subtract several numbers. Preview
12 Going on a picnic 7 Keywords: additionsubtraction Students answer questions that involve adding, and subtracting several numbers. Preview
2 Change from $10 1 Keywords: additionchangemoneysubtraction Students work out the change from $10 for a number of purchases. Preview
2 How much change? 2 Keywords: additionchangemoneysubtraction Students identify the correct change from purchasing food at a food bar. Preview
2 Lemons, library and sports 1 Keywords: additionsubtraction Students use addition and subtraction to solve story problems. Preview
2 Spending at the shop 4 Keywords: additionchangemoneyspendingsubtraction Students order possible items, work out the change from $10 or the shortfall for different items. Preview
2 Time for school 5 Keywords: additiontime Students answer questions that involve time calculations. Login to preview
23 Easy or harder subtractions 6 Keywords: moneysubtraction Students select the answer for two subtraction problems, select which one they thought was easier, and explain their reasons for this. Preview
23 Solving more maths problems 10 Keywords: subtractionwork samples Students show how to solve some subtraction problems. Preview
12 Ten and Twenty 7 Keywords: additionplace valuetidy numberswhole numbers Students find and write the numbers to complete equations that add to 10 or 20. Preview
2 Different addition number sentences 1 Keywords: additiondiscussionequalityequations Students solve different forms of addition equations. Preview
2 Different subtraction number sentences 0 Keywords: basic factsequalityequationssubtraction Students solve different forms of subtraction equations. Preview