4 Measuring tapa cloth 5 Keywords: Pasifikaarealengthtapa Student work out the side lengths and area of a tapa cloth from the measurement of a small section of it, converting between cm and metres. Preview
3 Hungry shark 7 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operators In this practical task students drag fractions of different fish onto the body of a shark. Preview
1 Sharing animal toys 4 Keywords: divisionequal sharing Students break amounts into a number of equal sized groups. Preview
3 Cough medicine 3 Keywords: capacitydivision Students work out how many doses in a larger measure of medicine. Preview
4 Chocolate boxes 1 Keywords: decimalsdivisionfractionsmoneymultiplicationweight Students work out problems about the weight and price of chocolate bars from some given information. Preview
2 How many? 8 Keywords: basic factsmultiplication Students solve story problems involving multiplication and division. Preview
4 Buying bikes 3 Keywords: discountmoneypercentagesspending Students calculate the amount of money saved from given percentage discounts on bikes. Preview
3 Town hall concert 2 Keywords: divisionmultiplicationratios Students calculate how many adults got into a concert for free using information about the number of concert-goers and the ratio of free adults to children. Preview
4 How big is the community hall? 2 Keywords: areacomposite shapesperimeterrectanglessquares Students calculate the perimeter and area of a composite shape. Preview
3 Sharing chocolate 1 Keywords: equal sharingfractionspartitioning Students answer questions by dividing a given amount of chocolate bars equally, and finding a fraction of the total amount. Preview
2 Christmas 7 Keywords: divisionmultiplication Students use addition, multiplication and division operations to perform calculations. Preview
12 Sharing out 9 Keywords: divisionequal sharingpartitioning Students use division to solve story problems. Preview
4 Te Ahurei Kapa Haka 1 Keywords: additiondecimalsdivisionmultiplicationsubtraction Students use all four operations to perform calculations using decimal values. Preview
3 Packing food for the hāngī 4 Keywords: hāngimultiplication Students calculate multiplication problems. Preview
5 Girl Guide biscuits 0 Keywords: moneyrates Students calculate the number of packets of biscuits that need to be sold, and how many house visits are needed to attain a given profit. Preview
4 Pizza and chicken 0 Keywords: linear equationsmultiplication Students solve linear equations based on pizza orders and cooking times. Preview
3 Dividing with remainder 2 Keywords: divisibilitydivisionremainders Students answer four multiple choice questions identifying which three-digit number can be divided by a one-digit number to get a given remainder. Preview
3 No remainder 1 Keywords: divisibilitydivisionremainders Students select which four-digit numbers can be divided by a one-digit number without a remainder. Preview
3 Buying books 1 Keywords: decimalsdivisionmoneymultiplication Students calculate the cost of a set of books given unit prices for an individual book. Preview
4 What number am I? 2 Keywords: divisibilitydivisionfactorsmultiples Students identify numbers using clues which give the range within which each number falls and two factors with their remainder. Preview
3 Counting sheep 1 Keywords: arithmetic operationsdivisibilitydivisionmultiplication Students multiply two numbers, then divide the total by 3 and by 6. Preview
4 Soccer and netball 1 Keywords: arearectangles Students use a diagram of a netball court and soccer field to calculate area. Preview
4 Area of the section II 1 Keywords: areacomposite shapesproblem solvingrectanglesunitising Students use the scaled plan of a property to calculate the area of the pool, house, and lawn. Preview
2 Different dollars 2 Keywords: additioncombinationsmoneymultiplication In this practical task, students use plastic coins and paper notes to work out three different ways to make the same amount of money. Preview