3 Spinner probabilities 5 Keywords: independenceprobabilityspinners Students decide which arrow on three spinners is most likely to point to white, and explain their reasons. Preview
3 Snakes and ladders 5 Keywords: probabilityqualitative probability Students choose terms 'impossible', 'even', 'poor', 'good', and 'certain' to describe the chances of landing on selected squares in a board game. Preview
3 A box of counters 2 Keywords: probabilityqualitative probability Students predict the likelihood of picking coloured counters out of a box. Preview
3 City spending 1 Keywords: graph interpretationpercentagespie graphs Students interpret a pie graph by answering questions on how city rates were spent over one year. Preview
3 Even Stevens 0 Keywords: probabilityqualitative probabilityspinners Students select answers to show whether the chance of certain events happening is even or not even. Preview
3 Marble bag 4 Keywords: probability Students select answers to show which child has the best chance of selecting their favourite coloured marble from a bag. Preview
3 Pulse rates 3 Keywords: graph interpretationstem-and-leaf graphs Students read statements about a stem-and-leaf graph and indicate whether the statements are true or false. Preview
34 Ages of people 3 Keywords: graph interpretationstem-and-leaf graphs Students show their understanding of stem-and-leaf graphs of ages by classifying questions as true or false. Preview
3 School transport 3 Keywords: bar graphsgraph interpretation Students are asked to study a bar graph of ways to travel to school and write down five things that are wrong with the way the graph is set up. Preview
3 Toy car collections 2 Keywords: distributiondot plotsgraph interpretation Students compare the overall distribution of two graphs and describe their reasons. Preview
34 Ice cream and temperatures 4 Keywords: bi-variate datadistributioninterpreting graphsscatterplots Students interpret a scatterplot and identify statements about both details and overall information. Preview
3 House addresses 2 Keywords: bar graphsdot plotsgraph interpretationline graphspie graphs Students decide whether a graph is suitable to display category data and explain their answer. Preview
23 Spin a surprise 3 Keywords: independenceprobabilitywork samples Students recognise equal and different likelihoods when playing a game of chance. Preview
3 Roll a prize 5 Keywords: independenceprobability Students recognise equal and different likelihoods when playing a game of chance and explain their reasoning. Preview
3 How many pets? 4 Keywords: distributiondot plotsgraph interpretationwork samples Students identify a correct statement about the comparing the overall distribution of two dot plots. Preview