City spending 0 Overview Using this Resource Connecting to the Curriculum Marking Student Responses Working with Students Further Resources This task is about interpreting a pie chart. Spending of city rates 1993-94 The pie chart above shows how each dollar of city rates was spent in Wellington in 1993-94. Question a) In the newspaper it said, "59 cents of each dollar provided resources for the community". What are the the two areas of spending this sentence is talking about? Rubbish collection Recreation, e.g. parks, libraries Water Sewage & drainage Other community services Loan interest Question 2Change answer b) Of each dollar, how much was spent on rubbish collection? cents Task administration: This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online (with auto marking displayed to students). Copyright: Level: 3 Curriculum info: Maths, Statistics, Statistical literacy Keywords: pie graphs, graph interpretation, percentages Description of task: Students interpret a pie graph by answering questions on how city rates were spent over one year. Curriculum Links: This resource can be used to help to identify students' ability to identify that a statistical claim made by others is correct. Learning Progression FrameworksThis resource can provide evidence of learning associated with Interpreting statistical and chance situations, sets 3-4 within the Mathematics Learning Progressions Frameworks.Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks. Answers/responses: Y6 (06/1998) a) • Recreation, e.g., parks, libraries • Other community services moderate b) 4 difficult Diagnostic and formative information: Common error Likely reason b) 5 (or 6) 96 Estimates rather than calculates or miscalculation. Amount spent on segments with figures given. House addresses