4 How big is the community hall? 2 Keywords: areacomposite shapesperimeterrectanglessquares Students calculate the perimeter and area of a composite shape. Preview
5 Fish tank volume 0 Keywords: capacitycuboidsvolume Students answer multiple-choice questions about volume of fish tanks given their dimensions. Preview
2 Measuring toy cars 13 Keywords: centimetreslengthmeasuringruler Students measure images of objects on a centimetre ruler. Preview
4 Fencing paddocks 2 Keywords: additionperimeter Students are asked to work out the perimeter of different polygon shapes. Login to preview
3 Analogue and digital clocks 6 Keywords: analogue timedigital time Students show a range of times on analogue and digital clocks. Preview
3 Area of shapes III 1 Keywords: areaunit squares Students calculate the area of two shapes on a grid. Preview
12 Sorting heights 2 Keywords: heightlengthordering This practical task requires students to rank a series of animal pictures in order from shortest to tallest. Preview
4 Changing perimeter 1 Keywords: perimeterproblem solvingunit squares Students draw shapes to show how the perimeter increases and decreases for different shapes of the same area size. Preview
2 Max's day 4 Keywords: a.m.digital timeorderingp.m.time Students construct a time line by choosing the best digital time for a range of common daily activities. Preview
2 Aroha's day 6 Keywords: analogue timehoursminutestimetime lines Students construct a time line by selecting the best analogue time for a range of common daily activities. Preview
4 Travelling around New Zealand 2 Keywords: distancesmapsshortest paths Students use a map to help them describe the shortest route away from and back to two New Zealand cities. Preview
2 Area of shapes 14 Keywords: areaunit squareswork samples Students draw shapes of given areas, and choose from the bigger area, explaining their reasoning. Preview
4 Packing chocolate 4 Keywords: cuboidstriangular prismsvolume Students work out how many triangular prism shapes there are in larger cuboid, and answer questions about volume of both shapes. Preview
3 Camp timetable 4 Keywords: a.m.additionchart interpretationp.m.time Students answer questions and make time calculations based on a camp timetable. Preview
5 Constructing different shaped boxes 1 Keywords: model constructionnetsvolume This practical task requires students to construct open boxes from grid paper and calculate their volumes. Preview
3 Units of measurement 16 Keywords: lengthunits of measurement Students select the best unit measure of length for a number of situations. Preview
3 Weighing meat 2 Keywords: conversion of unitsdecimalsordering numbersweight Students identify the largest weight of cuts of meat, and convert kilograms into grams. Preview
5 Trotting Horse 1 Keywords: circlescircumferences This task is about finding the circumference of a circle using two different radius measurements. Preview
3 Information on a calendar 0 Keywords: calendar interpretationcalendarsdaysmonthstimeweeks Students construct a calendar to match given criteria and enter three events onto the calendar. Preview