2 Estimating time 1 Keywords: estimationpeer assessmentsecondstime In this practical task, students work in pairs to estimate how much time they think has passed. One student estimates while the other times. Preview
3 The cinema 1 Keywords: a.m.chart interpretationp.m.time Students use a movie timetable advertisement to answer questions about the movies being shown to test their understanding of a.m. and p.m. Preview
3 Units of time 0 Keywords: timeunits of measurement Students select which unit of time - seconds, minutes, or hours - would most likely be used to time a range of everyday activities. Preview
2 Show the time III 0 Keywords: analogue timehoursminutes Students read an analogue clock face and draw some times onto other clock faces. Preview
4 Cross country finishing times 2 Keywords: additionanalogue timehoursminutesseconds Students work out how long a race took given the starting and finishing time. Answers are split into hours, minutes and seconds. Preview
4 Telling time 1 Keywords: 24-hour timea.m.digital timep.m. Students answer questions that involve converting between different ways of telling time. Preview
4 Time calculations 0 Keywords: 24-hour timeadditionsubtractiontime Students work out time calculations involving 24 hour time. Preview
4 How many minutes between? 0 Keywords: additionconversion of unitsminutesmultiplicationsubtractiontime Students answer questions about the difference between a range of given times in minutes. Preview
4 International time difference 2 Keywords: 24-hour timenegative numberstimetime-zones Students answer questions about international time differences. Preview
3 Camp timetable II 5 Keywords: a.m.digital timeorderingp.m.time Students match digital times to events during a camp timetable. Preview
12 Sorting temperatures II 2 Keywords: orderingtemperature This practical task requires students to rank a series of pictures of everyday objects in order from hottest to coldest. Preview
4 Area of three shapes 2 Keywords: areaunit squares Students calculate the area of three shapes with a grid in the background. Preview
4 Area of 3 fields 5 Keywords: areameasurementperimeter Students calculate the area of composite shapes. Preview
34 Area of shapes II 4 Keywords: areaunit squares Students work out the area of different shapes. Preview
2 Time for school 5 Keywords: additiontime Students answer questions that involve time calculations. Login to preview
4 International time difference II 4 Keywords: 24-hour timenegative numberstimetime-zones Students answer questions about international time differences. Preview
5 Hole in a prism 0 Keywords: composite shapescuboidscylindersvolume Students calculate volumes of composite shapes, showing their working. Preview
5 Non-linear scales 1 Keywords: non-linear scalesplotting scalesreading scales Students read from, and mark points on, non-linear scales. Preview
5 Shot Put circles 0 Keywords: arearoundingsectors Students work out the area of a circle and a fraction (Sector) of a circle. Preview
34 Total area 2 Keywords: areaunit squares Students calculate the area of a composite shape on a grid. Preview
4 Using orange juice 0 Keywords: capacityconversion of units Students answer questions that involve calculating the capacities of different situations. Preview
3 Setting up tables 2 Keywords: areaperimeterunit squares Students calculate and identify the shape with the largest area, and the longest perimeter from three shapes drawn on a grid. Preview
3 Millilitres or litres? 3 Keywords: capacityunits of measurement Students identify whether litres or millilitres would be the best unit of measurement for a range of everyday measuring tasks. Preview
4 Same area, different lengths 1 Keywords: areaperimeterrectangles Students find the width and perimeter of three rectangles with the same area and different lengths. Preview
3 Inches and centimetres 0 Keywords: conversion of unitsdouble number lineslength Students use diagrams of a metric and imperial ruler to convert between inches and centimetres. Preview