4 Building cross sections 1 Keywords: cross-sections Students draw cross-sections of different buildings. Preview
4 Names of triangles 4 Keywords: equilateralisoscelesright anglesscalenetriangles Students identify equilateral, isosceles, scalene and right angled triangles. Preview
4 Cutting food 1 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapes3-dimensional shapescross-sections Students draw cross-sections of different foods. Preview
4 Crawling ant problem 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesedgestetrahedronsvertices Students answer questions about the journey of an ant along the edge of a tetrahedron. Preview
4 Different views 2 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesdrawingfacesviewsvisualising Students draw five different views of a 3-dimensional cube model. Preview
3 Parts of shapes 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesedgesfacespyramidstriangular prismsvertices Students identify the number of faces, edges and vertices for different 3-dimensional shapes. Preview
3 Cubes and faces 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesfacesnetsvisualising Students use a net of a cube to identify opposite faces and what the cube would look like when constructed. Preview
4 Naming triangles 1 Keywords: equilateralisoscelesright angled trianglesright anglesscalenetriangles Students identify the types of triangles made by everyday objects. Preview
6 Sails for the yacht 1 Keywords: cosinesinetangentstrigonometry Students use their knowledge of the trigonometric functions sine, cosine, and tangent to calculate the length of sides of sails in a diagram of a yacht. Preview
4 Identifying lines 1 Keywords: horizontallinesperpendicularvertical Students select the best word to describe lines found on musical symbols. Preview
4 Geometric dance 1 Keywords: anglescircleslinestriangles In this practical task, students work in small groups to present a dance based on geometric concepts. Preview
4 Making a pyramid 1 Keywords: model constructionnetspyramidsviews In this practical task, students use three different views of a 3-dimensional shape to help them design a net and construct a model of a pyramid. Preview
5 Street angles 2 Keywords: angle propertiesanglesinterior anglesparallel linessupplementary angles Students use their knowledge of angle properties to identify missing angles identified on a street map. Preview
23 Everyday objects 5 Keywords: 3-dimensional objects3-dimensional shapes Students categorise 3-dimensional objects into cubes, cuboids (rectangular prisms), cylinders, cones, spheres, and pyramids. Preview
56 Distance between people 1 Keywords: cosinepythagoras theoremsinetangentstrigonometry Using Pythagoras' theorem and trigonometry ratios, students calculate distances between people standing in a paddock. Preview
5 Pythagoras' theorem 2 Keywords: pythagoras theorem Students use Pythagoras' theorem to find the unknown sides of right-angled triangles in three practical problems. Preview
5 Working with Pythagoras 4 Keywords: pythagoras theoremright angled triangles Students use Pythagoras' theorem to decide whether triangles are right-angled based on the lengths of their sides. Preview
56 Calculating distance III 2 Keywords: cosinesinetangentstrigonometry Students use trigonometry to calculate distances in practical problems. Preview
4 Parts of a circle 2 Keywords: arccirclescircumferencediameterradiussectors Students identify the parts of a circle that lines on familiar signs and objects make. Preview
23 Matching cubes and nets 4 Keywords: cubesnets Students identify nets that can fold to make a cube and explain how they know. Preview
2 Naming shapes 14 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapes3-dimensional shapesmatching Students match pictures of 2- and 3-dimensional shapes with their correct names. Preview
12 Colouring different shapes 9 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapes In this practical task, students use different colours to identify a variety of 2-dimensional shapes in a stained glass window pattern. Preview
3 Tangram cat 1 Keywords: tangrams Students cut out tangram shapes and arrange them to fit into the outline of three different drawings of everyday items. Preview
3 Rectangle or not? 3 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapesshape properties Students decide whether shapes rectangles or not and explain their reasoning. Preview
5 Triangles 1 Keywords: line segmentspisaright angled triangles Students identify which of 5 triangles fits a given description. Preview