3 Working out area 2 Keywords: areaestimationunit squares Students calculate or estimate the area for each of three shapes on a grid. Preview
3 Units of measurement II 5 Keywords: lengthmassunitsunits of measurement Students identify the correct unit of measurement that would be used for the weight or length of a range of everyday objects. Preview
23 One cut 3 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescross-sectionsnemp For this NEMP task student draw the cross section indicated on 6 different food items. Preview
3 How many Xs cover Y 1 Keywords: arearepeated unitsunit squares Students identify how many unit squares cover given 2-dimensional shapes. Preview
3 Area and perimeter 5 Keywords: areaperimeterunit squares Students calculate the area and perimeter of four shapes on a grid. Preview
3 Cutting the door down 1 Keywords: centimetresconversion of unitslengthmetresmillimetres Students convert the millimetre dimensions of a door to metres and centimetres. Preview
3 Shapes that tessellate 2 Keywords: shape propertiestessellations Students sort different shapes into tessellating and not tessellating categories and explain their reasoning. Preview
3 How long was that? 1 Keywords: analogue timehoursminutestime Students calculate the time taken for bus travel and zoo feeding times based on analogue clocks showing start and finish times. Preview
3 Folding nets II 4 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesfoldingmatchingnetspeer assessmentprismsself-assessment Students predict which 3-dimensional shapes nets will make and then fold nets to identify the shapes. Preview
3 Enlarging shapes 2 Keywords: enlargementscale factor Students enlarge shapes by specified increases in each dimension. Preview
3 Rectangular area 3 Keywords: arearepeated units Students calculate the area of a range of rectangular shapes. Preview
34 Garden perimeter 6 Keywords: perimeterrectanglessquares Students calculate the distance around three different sized gardens. Preview
3 Building models II 0 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesmodel construction In this practical task students use multi-link cubes to construct two 3-dimensional models from pictures of each model from two different viewpoints. Preview
3 Building models 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesmodel construction In this practical task, students use multi-link cubes to construct two 3-dimensional models from pictures of each model from two different viewpoints. Preview
3 Straw models II 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesmodel constructiontriangular prisms In this practical task students use straws to construct skeleton models of 3-dimensional shapes from given drawings. Preview
3 Design a box 0 Keywords: lengthmodel constructionnets In this practical task students design a net for a lidded cardboard cube to hold a tennis ball. They then cut out and construct the cube. Preview
3 Continue the tessellation 0 Keywords: tessellations Students continue tessellating patterns which all use the same base shape. Preview
3 Enlarging the bird 3 Keywords: drawingenlargementresizingscale factor Students use their knowledge of transformation to complete an enlargement of a bird by a scale factor of two. Preview
3 Reflecting and rotating the bird 2 Keywords: drawingreflectionrotation Students use a template to complete three rotations of a bird in the cage. The same template is used to draw the reflection of the bird using the mirror line shown on the cage. Preview
3 Manu shapes 1 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapes Students write down the names of the 2-dimensional shapes that a Geo Bird is constructed from. Preview
3 Cutting cross-sections 0 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescross-sectionsdrawing In this practical task students predict what the widthwise and lengthwise cross-sections of a selection of fruit and vegetables would look like. Preview
3 Calendar calculations 3 Keywords: chart interpretationdaysmonthstimeweeks Students use a calendar of one month of the year to assist them in making time calculations. Preview
3 Work, work, work 3 Keywords: analogue timetime Students calculate a finishing time from a given time, and show the analogue times for a range of activities. Preview
3 Youth group 2 Keywords: capacityconversion of unitsmultiplication Students convert millilitres to litres and vice versa to answer questions about the number of 200ml cups of lemonade in litre bottles. Preview
23 Walking around the zoo 8 Keywords: compassdirection Students identify the major compass directions (North, South, East, and West) to describe the paths people took on a simple plan of a zoo. Preview