5 Factorising expressions III 2 Keywords: algebraic expressionsfactorise Students factorise a series of algebraic expressions. Preview
3 House patterns 3 Keywords: number patternsspatial patterns Students complete a table to describe a spatial sequential pattern. Preview
5 Vintage cars 3 Keywords: distancesratesspeedtime Students convert speeds of vintage cars into kilometres per hour, and calculate distances travelled at these speeds. Preview
45 Student absences 6 Keywords: graph constructionline graphs Students compare a data table and a line graph and identify features that are missing or incorrect in the graph. Preview
2 Working out change 2 Keywords: moneysubtraction Students work out the change from given amounts of money for different purchases. Preview
5 Geography test scores 2 Keywords: box-and-whisker graphsgraph construction Students construct a box-and-whisker graph from data in a table about the results of two classes' geography tests. Preview
34 City populations 1 Keywords: additiondecimalssubtraction Students calculate addition and subtraction problems, written in decimal form, for city populations. Preview
3 A farmer's day 2 Keywords: analogue timedigital timetime Students show times written in words on both analogue and digital clocks. Preview
5 Growing trees 0 Keywords: increasepercentages Students work out the height of trees which have grown by different percentages, and work out the percentage growth from two given heights. Preview
12 Colouring different shapes 9 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapes In this practical task, students use different colours to identify a variety of 2-dimensional shapes in a stained glass window pattern. Preview
2 The right time 5 Keywords: analogue timehoursminutestime Students decide whether the times written in words under analogue clocks are correct. Preview
4 Using brackets 2 Keywords: order of operations Students demonstrate their understanding of the order of operations and placing brackets. Preview
3 Reading a temperature scale 2 Keywords: linear scalesreading scalestemperature Students identify the measure of temperature off linear scales. Preview
3 Different rulers 2 Keywords: decimalsnumber linesreading scales Students identify decimal numbers on a number line. Preview
3 Drawing 3-D shapes 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesdrawingisometric drawingsviews Students draw in three 3-dimensional shapes on a grid from the view shown. Preview
2 Older or younger? II 1 Keywords: equal togreater thanless than Students select the correct symbol (greater then, equal to, less than) to complete statements about the ages of some children. Preview
2 Spending pocket money 2 Keywords: additionchangemoneysubtraction Students calculate the amount of money shown by diagrams of coins, then calculate change given when some of the money is spent. Preview
5 Angle rules 3 Keywords: angle propertiesangles Students draw diagrams to demonstrate their understanding of three angle properties: angles at a point, adjacent angles on a straight line and vertically opposite angles. Preview
34 Cross pattern 2 Keywords: functional rulesspatial patterns Students complete a spatial pattern, record the sequence in a table, and complete a statement about the rule. Preview
2 Use the rule 2 Keywords: number patternsrecursive rules Students use given rules to complete a series of number patterns. Preview
3 Patterns with counters 1 Keywords: rulesspatial patterns In this practical task, students use counters to continue a spatial pattern, then describe a rule to show how the pattern was made. Preview
23 Symmetrical road signs 3 Keywords: drawingline symmetryreflectionsymmetry Students draw lines of symmetry on road sign pictures. Preview
4 Sauces, jams and preserves 1 Keywords: multiplicationrates Students calculate the number of containers needed for given amounts of fruit for a recipe. Preview
4 Using cubes 4 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescuboidslengthperimetervolume Students calculate the volume of 3-dimensional shapes made up from cubes. Preview
4 Birthday combinations 0 Keywords: combinationstree diagrams Students complete a tree diagram to show all possible combinations of a drink, main course, and dessert that could be chosen for a party. Preview