5 Baby noise 1 Keywords: graph interpretationline graphsrelationships This task requires students to interpret the relationship between noise level and time as illustrated by various points on a graph. Preview
2 Graphing feelings 1 Keywords: graph interpretationline graphsrelationships Students interpret a graph of a child's feelings for different times and activities during a day. Preview
2 Hungry tiger 0 Keywords: graph interpretationline graphsrelationships Students interpret and answer questions about a line graph about a hungry tiger. Preview
4 A day's painting 3 Keywords: graph interpretationgraphsline graphs Students interpret time frames and slope from a graph showing the area of a painted wall over time. Preview
4 Climbing the wall 1 Keywords: distance-time graphsgraph interpretationline graphs Students answer questions by interpreting a line graph of a snail's progress as it climbed up a wall. Preview
4 Hemi's bike trip 0 Keywords: distance-time graphsgraph interpretationline graphsspeed Students interpret a graph of a bike trip to answer questions about time and distance. Preview
4 Crawling spider 1 Keywords: distance-time graphsgraph interpretationline graphsratesspeed Students complete and interpret a graph to answer questions about time, distance and speed. Preview
4 Anahera's journey to school 0 Keywords: distance-time graphsgraph interpretationline graphs Students interpret a graph of a journey to school and answer questions about the time taken for different parts of the journey. Preview
45 Running styles 1 Keywords: distance-time graphsgraph interpretationline graphsspeed Students interpret graphs showing the different ways that four people run a race. Preview
2 Swimming sports 1 Keywords: graph interpretationline graphsrelationships Students interpret a line graph about how students felt during their swimming sports. Preview
34 Skyrocket 1 Keywords: distance-time graphsgraph interpretationline graphs Students interpret a line graph showing how high a skyrocket travelled over time. Preview
5 Distance from home 1 Keywords: distance-time graphsgraph interpretationline graphsspeed Students interpret distance-time graphs that show a car's movement and draw their own graph from given statements. Preview
45 Savings account 2 Keywords: graph interpretationline graphsslopestime-series Students interpret a line graph showing the amount of money in a savings account over time. No calculation is required. Preview
5 Travelling by car 0 Keywords: distance-time graphsgraph interpretationspeed Students interpret a line graph showing the distance travelled and the time for two car journeys and answer questions about time, distance and speed. Preview
5 Cost of communication 2 Keywords: breakeven pointsgraph interpretationlinear equationssimultaneous equations Students interpret a line graph of a practical situation. Preview