3 Unit square area 1 Keywords: areaunit squares Students calculate the area of a range of 2-dimensional shapes in unit squares. Preview
4 Combinations of ties and socks 0 Keywords: combinationsprobability Students calculate the number of different combinations of ties and socks that could be worn. Preview
4 Finding the angle of rotation 1 Keywords: angle of rotationrotationtransformations Students identify the angles of rotation that enable shapes to fit onto themselves. Preview
4 How much of a full turn? 0 Keywords: angle of rotationrotationrotational symmetrysymmetrytransformations Students specify the smallest angle of rotation so a shape remains the same. Preview
3 Transforming frogs 3 Keywords: reflectionrotationtransformationstranslation Students identify which transformation have been used to make different pictures of frogs. Preview
45 Fossil quiz 1 Keywords: Earth systemsfossils Students answer three multiple-choice questions about fossils and how they are formed. Preview
4 Same area, different lengths 1 Keywords: areaperimeterrectangles Students find the width and perimeter of three rectangles with the same area and different lengths. Preview
3 Area of four shapes 1 Keywords: areaunit squares Students calculate the area of four different shapes on a grid. Preview
2 Comparing measures on a scale 1 Keywords: equal togreater thanless thanlinear scalesreading scales Students read pairs of measurements on linear scales and identify which are greater than, less than, or equal to. Preview
4 How many times? 1 Keywords: order of symmetryrotationrotational symmetrysymmetrytransformations Students identify the order of rotational symmetry for a number of shapes. Preview
3 Folded nets 2 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesnetsrectangular prisms Students identify which net, when folded, would look like the 3-dimensional shape shown. Preview
4 Dripping Tap 1 Keywords: conversion of unitsratestimevolume This task is about using rates in ml/minute to work out how much water has dripped from four taps. Preview
3 Right angled shapes 3 Keywords: anglespolygonsright angles Students identify shapes that have one or more right angles. Preview
3 Cubes and faces 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesfacesnetsvisualising Students use a net of a cube to identify opposite faces and what the cube would look like when constructed. Preview
2 Earth time 2 Keywords: timeunits Students identify how many smaller units make up a larger unit of time measurement, e.g. hours in a day. Preview
3 Packing sweets 1 Keywords: arearectanglesrepeated units Students work out how many small boxes fit into a larger carton. Preview
56 Distance between people 1 Keywords: cosinepythagoras theoremsinetangentstrigonometry Using Pythagoras' theorem and trigonometry ratios, students calculate distances between people standing in a paddock. Preview
5 What does the candle weigh? 0 Keywords: burningchangesparticle nature of matter Students answer one multiple-choice question about how the mass of a burning object changes. Preview
2 Keeping sandwiches fresh 1 Keywords: changesfoodfood preservation This task requires students to give three ways of keeping a sandwich fresh for lunch. Preview
5 Cooking changes things 1 Keywords: changeseggs Students classify five described changes as either a chemical or a physical change. Preview
3 Temporary or permanent? 2 Keywords: changespermanent changestemporary changesvocabulary Task: Complete two sentences. Assessment focus: definitions of permanent and temporary change. Preview
5 Cleaning the grater 0 Keywords: acidsproperties Students explain why the metal where some lemon juice had been spilt appears shiny. Preview
4 Plastic in the home 0 Keywords: physical propertiesplasticspropertiessociety Students write down three features of plastic that makes it useful in the home. Preview
3 Packing boxes 4 Keywords: arearepeated unitsvolume Students calculate the number of 3-dimensional shapes that fit into larger 3-dimensional shapes. Preview
3 Cough medicine 3 Keywords: capacitydivision Students work out how many doses in a larger measure of medicine. Preview