Drawing a clown's face

Drawing a clown's face

Pencil and paper
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This task is about drawing shapes.
A clown is telling you what his face and head looks like.

  "My head is a circle."
"My hat is a triangle."
"My eyebrows are rectangles."
"My eyes are diamonds."
"My nose is a hexagon."
"My mouth is an oval."
Carefully finish drawing the clown's face below. His head has been done for you.

Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper.
1, 2
Description of task: 
Students follow instructions and draw specified 2-dimensional shapes (triangles, circles etc.) to complete a drawing of a clown's face.

Y4 (08/1999)

Hat drawn as a triangle.
Eyebrows drawn as rectangles.
Eyes drawn as diamonds.
Nose drawn as a hexagon.
Mouth drawn as an oval.

NOTE: the shapes may be different in orientations than shown here.
5 correct – moderate

4 correct – very easy

Diagnostic and formative information: 
Common error
Draws nose as an octagon rather than a hexagon.