Electric kettles

Electric kettles

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This task is about fair testing.

Question 1Change answer

electric kettle
Two electric jugs of water were boiled. They took different times to boil.
Carefully explain four factors which could have affected the time taken for the water to boil.
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online.
Description of task: 
Using the principles of fair testing, students identify four factors that could affect the time it takes for electric jugs to boil water.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Gather and interpret data
This resource provides opportunities to discuss the importance of controlling variables when using fair testing for an investigation.
Science capabilities: 
  Y11 (04/2001)

Any 4 of:

  • Different amount of water used in each jug.
  • The jugs had different power/wattage ratings/different size element.
  • The initial temperature of the water was different.
  • The jugs had different efficiencies.
  • The jugs were different brands/made from different materials/different ages.

4 correct – very difficult

3 correct – moderate

2 correct – easy

1 correct – very easy