Hare's progress

This task is about interpreting a distance-time graph.
The Hare's progress in a race

In one of Aesop's fables, a hare challenges a tortoise to a race. Suppose the race was 12 stadia in length.
[NOTE: Stadia are old Greek measures of length.] The graph above shows the progress of the hare.
a) |
Complete this sentence:
"Between A and B the hare travels 6 stadia in 10 minutes. This is equivalent to a rate of __________ stadia per hour."
b) |
What do you think the hare is doing between B and C?
c) |
How much time passes between B and C? __________ minutes
d) |
Describe what the hare is doing between C and D.
e) |
The tortoise starts from A at exactly the same time as the hare, but travels at a steady rate of only 2 stadia in 10 minutes. After 30 minutes he arrives at point E.
Mark and label the point E on your graph.
f) |
The tortoise continues on steadily at this rate without stopping.
What is the result of the race? [Complete your graph to show the tortoise's progress].