Pirate Pete's day

Pirate Pete's day

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This task is about putting time in order.

The times below show when Pirate Pete does his morning activities. 

nine thirty nine fifteen quarter to nine
nine twenty-five nine minutes to ten nine o'clock

Question 1Change answer

Select a time from the list to fill each line in Pirate Pete's timetable.
The times will go from earliest to latest.
a)  The first thing will be breakfast at nine thirtynine fifteenquarter to ninenine twenty-fivenine minutes to tennine o'clock
b)  Secondly he will scrub the decks at nine thirtynine fifteenquarter to ninenine twenty-fivenine minutes to tennine o'clock
c)  Thirdly Pete will bury his treasure at nine thirtynine fifteenquarter to ninenine twenty-fivenine minutes to tennine o'clock
d)  Fourthly he will sing a sea shanty at nine thirtynine fifteenquarter to ninenine twenty-fivenine minutes to tennine o'clock
e)  Then Pete will fire the cannon at nine thirtynine fifteenquarter to ninenine twenty-fivenine minutes to tennine o'clock
f)   Finally he will set sail at nine thirtynine fifteenquarter to ninenine twenty-fivenine minutes to tennine o'clock.
Description of task: 
Students order times by selecting the appropriate time, written in words, for each of Pirate Pete's morning activities.
Curriculum Links: 
This resource can help to identify students' understanding of applying measurement sense to time for the Measurement objectives.

Y4 (12/2000)


quarter to nine
nine o'clock
nine fifteen
nine twenty-five
nine thirty
nine minutes to ten

All correct – moderate

1 time out of order – easy


  1. Accept if times have been converted to digital times.
  2. "Only 1 time out of order" means that if that time is removed, the remaining 5 times will be in order.