White and brown eggs 0 Overview Using this Resource Connecting to the Curriculum Marking Student Responses Working with Students Further Resources This task is about working out ratios of eggs. Question 1Change answer a) What is the ratio of white to brown eggs in the 1 dozen carton? : b) What is the ratio of white to brown eggs in the 1.5 dozen carton? : c) What is the ratio of white to brown eggs in both cartons? : Task administration: This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online. Level: 5 Curriculum info: Maths, Number and Algebra, Number Strategies Keywords: ratios Description of task: Students give the fraction or ratio of brown to white eggs in some cartons. Learning Progression FrameworksThis resource can provide evidence of learning associated with Multiplicative thinking, sets 8-9 within the Mathematics Learning Progressions Frameworks.Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks. Answers/responses: Y9 (05/97) Y10 (05/97) a) 2 : 1 or 8 : 4 moderate moderate b) 5 : 4 or 10 : 8 difficult moderate c) 3 : 2 or 18 : 12 difficult moderate Diagnostic and formative information: Student response Likely misconception a) b) c) 4 : 8 8 : 10 12 : 18 Ratio reversed. a) b) c) 8 : 12 10 : 18 18 : 30 Ratio of white : total. a) b) c) 4 : 12 8 : 18 12 : 30 Ratio of brown : total. Working out ratios II Working with ratios Ratio of this to that Working out ratios Football wins School camp Holiday work Recipe ratios Kapa haka festival Travel posters