4 Reflecting a clock face 0 Keywords: problem solvingreflectiontransformations Students solve probelms about a reflection and time. Preview
4 Net of an open box 2 Keywords: cubesnetsvisualising Students identify which nets can be folded to make an open box shape. Preview
4 Constructing Ziggurats 0 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesdrawingisometric drawingsmodel constructionviews This practical task requires students to construct a model based on a diagram of a similar model. They then draw their model onto isometric paper. Preview
4 Making a block tower 0 Keywords: drawingmodel constructionviews This practical task requires students to construct a model, using blocks, from drawings of five different view points of that model. Preview
4 Where to sit? 0 Keywords: grid references Students identify grid references on a movie theatre seating plan. Preview
4 Using grid references 1 Keywords: grid referencesmaps Students use grid references to locate places on a map of Auckland and give grid references of specified places. Preview
4 Drawing prisms 0 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesdrawinghexagonal prismsmodel drawingsrectangular prisms In this practical task, students draw pictures of 3-dimensional prisms onto a square grid. A net for each prism is provided. Preview
4 Make and sketch 1 Keywords: drawingmodel constructionviews In this practical task, students first construct a 3-dimensional object from a drawing, then draw five different 2-dimensional views of it on a grid. Preview
4 Making a shape 2 Keywords: model constructionviews Given five views of the same 3-dimensional shape, students use multi-link cubes to construct it. Preview
4 Making a triangular prism 0 Keywords: model constructionnetstriangular prisms In this practical task, students cut out triangles and rectangles to make three different nets for a triangular prism. Preview
4 Reflecting words III 1 Keywords: drawingreflectiontransformations Students draw reflections of a number of words. Preview
4 Using a quadrilateral key diagram 1 Keywords: classification keysquadrilateralsshape properties Students use a quadrilateral key to answer questions about attributes of quadrilaterals. Preview
4 Transformation properties 1 Keywords: enlargementinvariant propertiesreflectionrotationtransformationstranslation This task requires students to indicate the invariant properties of four transformations (translation, reflection, rotation, enlargement). Preview
4 What changes? 1 Keywords: enlargementinvariant propertiesresizing Students work out area, length and angles of a shape after enlargement. Preview
34 Puzzling shapes III 1 Keywords: shape propertiestangrams Students draw lines on shapes to show how they have been constructed from four smaller shapes. Preview
4 Different views II 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesdrawingfacesviews From a drawing of a 3-dimensional shape, students draw five different 2-dimensional views of it onto grids. Preview
4 Types of angles 3 Keywords: angle propertiesanglesmatching Students select the correct name for angle diagrams (e.g. obtuse etc.) and write the names of three angles identified in a shape. Preview
34 Puzzling shapes 1 Keywords: shape propertiestangrams Students draw lines on shapes to show how they have been constructed from four smaller shapes. Preview
4 Building cross sections 1 Keywords: cross-sections Students draw cross-sections of different buildings. Preview
4 Names of triangles 4 Keywords: equilateralisoscelesright anglesscalenetriangles Students identify equilateral, isosceles, scalene and right angled triangles. Preview
4 Cutting food 1 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapes3-dimensional shapescross-sections Students draw cross-sections of different foods. Preview
4 Crawling ant problem 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesedgestetrahedronsvertices Students answer questions about the journey of an ant along the edge of a tetrahedron. Preview
4 Different views 2 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesdrawingfacesviewsvisualising Students draw five different views of a 3-dimensional cube model. Preview
4 Naming triangles 1 Keywords: equilateralisoscelesright angled trianglesright anglesscalenetriangles Students identify the types of triangles made by everyday objects. Preview
4 Geometric dance 1 Keywords: anglescircleslinestriangles In this practical task, students work in small groups to present a dance based on geometric concepts. Preview