4 Geometry items 2 Keywords: cubescylindersnempreflectionsymmetryvolume For this NEMP task students perform a range of tasks involving symmetry, shape and angle identification, and reflection. Preview
24 Santa 2 Keywords: captionhumournempspeech bubbles For this NEMP task students look at an humorous image of Santa and complete a thought bubble. Preview
4 Number sentences IV 0 Keywords: equal toequationsgreater thanless thannemp Students complete inequations by identifying the number or symbol needed to make the expression correct. Preview
2 Bookshop letter 2 Keywords: lettermessagenempstructure and language For this NEMP task students write a letter to a bookshop requesting information about a book. Preview
4 Cola 2 Keywords: letternemporganisationstructure and language For this NEMP task students write a letter to a company requesting some information. Preview
2 Fun Club 0 Keywords: formnempquestions For this NEMP task students are required to fill out a form to join a Fun Club. Preview
4 Multiplying and dividing decimals 1 Keywords: decimalsdivisionmultiplicationnemp For this NEMP task students perform a range of multiplication and division calculations using whole numbers and decimals. Preview
24 Number patterns 2 Keywords: additionnempnumber patternssubtraction For this NEMP task students complete a series of number patterns. Preview
4 Job application 1 Keywords: formnemppersuasionquestionsstructure and language For this NEMP task students fill out an application form for an after school job. Preview
4 How far will the car travel? 1 Keywords: linear equationsnempnumber patternsrates For this NEMP task students complete a table for a linear equation about fuel consumption. Preview
4 A tale of two donkeys 2 Keywords: comprehensionmessagenempsequencing This NEMP task requires students to write a story book for a young person using a sequence of pictures. Preview
4 Adding and subtracting decimals 1 Keywords: additiondecimalsnempsubtraction For this NEMP task students perform a range of addition and subtraction calculations using whole numbers and decimals. Preview
2 Creating number sentences 3 Keywords: equal togreater thanless thannemp For this NEMP task students use cards with numbers and operations on them to create number sentences. Preview
2 Geometry items II 2 Keywords: cubescylindersenlargementnempright angled trianglessymmetry For this NEMP task students perform a range of tasks which cover aspects of symmetry, shape identification, enlargement, and right-angle recognition. Preview
4 Addition and multiplication on a number line 1 Keywords: additionmultiplicationnempnumber lines Students use a number line to identify the best answer for addition and multiplication of numbers with fractions. Preview
24 Thank you letter 2 Keywords: letternempstructure and language For this NEMP task students write a thank you letter to the Playground Trust. The letter is assessed on letter conventions, content, and language. Preview
3 Shapes and nets 5 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesmatchingnempnetsvisualising For this NEMP task students match 3D objects and their nets. Preview
4 Place value and decimals 2 Keywords: decimalsnempplace value Students answer questions about place value. Preview
24 Treasure Island 6 Keywords: co-ordinatescompassdirectiongrid referencesnemp For this NEMP task students use a grid map of an island to locate positions and describe ways to move from one position to another. Preview
34 Running records 4 Keywords: decimalsnempordering numbersplace valuetime For this NEMP task students interpret a table of Olympic 1500-metre times, identifying fastest and slowest times. Preview
24 Speedo 3 Keywords: nempplace value For this NEMP task students show the changes to a trip meter on a speedo after specified distances are travelled. Preview
4 Number items I 1 Keywords: arithmetic operationsnemp For this NEMP task students represent the number six in ten different ways using the four arithmetic operations. Preview
2 Birthday story 0 Keywords: narrativenempsequencestoryboards For this NEMP task students cut out and order a sequence of pictures and write captions to tell a story. Preview
24 Line of symmetry 1 Keywords: drawingline symmetrynempsymmetry For this NEMP task students draw the other half of a shape by using its line of symmetry. Preview
3 Whetu's frame 2 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescornerscubesedgesnempshape propertiesvertices For this NEMP task students calculate the amount of pipe length and the minimum number of corners needed to make a cube-shaped frame with 1 metre edges. Preview