The right money

The right money

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This task is about working out amounts of money.
pile of coins.png
Maraea gets a pile of coins from her grandfather.  She uses the coins in different ways.


a)  Maraea spends $2.90 at the shop.
     Which row shows $2.90?  (Choose one)
    • 50 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents2 dollars

    • 20 cents20 cents50 cents1 dollar

    • 20 cents20 cents1 dollar1 dollar50 cents10 cents

    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents1 dollar10 cents2 dollars

    • 20 cents50 cents10 cents10 cents2 dollars


b)  Maraea gives $1.30 to her brother.
     Which row shows $1.30?  (Choose one)
    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents1 dollar2 dollars

    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents1 dollar10 cents10 cents10 cents

    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents

    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents50 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents

    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents50 cents


c)  Maraea puts $1.60 into her piggy bank.
     Which row shows $1.60?  (Choose one)
    • 1 dollar50 cents10 cents20 cents20 cents

    • 50 cents10 cents2 dollars

    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents1 dollar50 cents10 cents

    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents50 cents10 cents

    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents50 cents10 cents

Task administration: 
This task can be completed online or with pencil and paper. If completed online, auto-marking will be displayed to students.
Description of task: 
Students work out which row of coins represents a given amount.
Curriculum Links: 
This resource can help to identify students' ability to use basic facts and knowledge of place value and partitioning whole numbers to solve addition and subtraction problems.
Learning Progression Frameworks
This resource can provide evidence of learning associated with within the Mathematics Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks.
    Y4/5 (03/2017)
20 cents50 cents10 cents10 cents2 dollars
very easy
20 cents20 cents20 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents
20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents50 cents10 cents
Based on an online sample of 30 students.
Diagnostic and formative information: 
In part b) students ignored the 3 20c coins at the beginning of the row and saw only the $1 coin and the 3 10c coins that make up $1.30.
In part c) students often confused the $1 and $2 coins, selecting the row showing $2.60.
Next steps: 
Using plastic coins can help students recognise their misunderstandings about the values of each coin and assist them with completing any of the following suggested tasks. It can also help them to easily identify the different coins and their values.
In pairs, groups or as a class, students could work out all the listed values for each question to check or confirm which one represents the given amount.
Students could explore other ways to make each given amount and share their ideas.
Students could also challenge a buddy or a group to make any amount they state using notes and/or coins.
For students who need more practice with coins these resources could be used to further explore the value of  different amounts of coins:
For students who are comfortable with working with coins these resources explore how to make different values using both coins and notes: