Decimals and calculators

Decimals and calculators

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This task is about ordering decimal numbers and whole numbers.

Question Change answer

a)  Look at the numbers on the calculators below. 
     Sort the numbers from smallest to largest.
  • nm0090_4.jpg
  • nm0090_92.jpg
  • nm0090_5.jpg
  • nm0090_3.jpg
  • nm0090_2.jpg

Question Change answer

b)  Look at the numbers on the calculators below.
     Sort the numbers from smallest to largest.
  • nm0090_6.jpg
  • nm0090_8.jpg
  • nm0090_9.jpg
  • nm0090_91.jpg
  • nm0090_7.jpg
Task administration: 
This task can be completed online ONLY (with auto marking).
Description of task: 
Students order whole and decimal numbers from smallest to largest.

Y6 (08/2002)


8.05, 8.75, 87.5, 875, 8750

All correct – moderate
1 error only – easy
b) 5.17, 5.71, 7.05, 7.50, 7.51 All correct – moderate
1 error only – very easy

NOTE: An error includes: transcription error; transposition of 2 numbers; reversing the order.