How tidy?

How tidy?

Pencil and paperOnline interactive
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This task is about plotting a line graph.

Question Change answer

Using the sentences below, draw a line graph to show how tidy Ruma whitu was during the day.
  1. Before school it was very tidy.
  2. At morning tea it was a little bit less tidy.
  3. At lunchtime there was mess everywhere.
  4. At assembly time it was a little bit tidier.
  5. At home time there was hardly any mess left.
Task administration: 
This task is completed with pencil and paper or by drawing online.
Description of task: 
Students draw a line graph from information about room tidiness over the course of a day.

Y4 (06/2000)

Draws a line graph (example below).

The angle of the sloping lines will vary.

line graph answer​ ​

[Accept if points do not exactly line up with the x-axis.]


Award the marks below even if some other form of graph or diagram has been drawn that demonstrates the correct relationships.

  1. Before school the graph is right at the top.
  2. At morning tea the graph is lower but not below half way.
  3. At lunchtime the graph goes down to the bottom.
  4. The graph goes up at assembly time but not above half way.
  5. The graph goes up by home time but not to the top.

5 correct - difficult
4 correct - moderate
2-3 correct - very easy