3 Subtraction boxes 1 Keywords: basic factssubtraction Students complete subtraction equations by selecting from a range of numbers. Preview
2 Spending at the shop 4 Keywords: additionchangemoneyspendingsubtraction Students order possible items, work out the change from $10 or the shortfall for different items. Preview
4 Calculating the perimeter 0 Keywords: perimeterrectanglessquarestriangles Students calculate the perimeter of a range of 2-dimensional shapes. Preview
4 Using string lines 0 Keywords: additioncomposite shapeslengthperimeter Students calculate the length of a builder's string line. Preview
4 Flight schedule 1 Keywords: subtractiontable interpretationtime Students answer four questions about flight times on a flight schedule. Preview
4 Class survey 1 Keywords: bar graphsdata collectiongraph constructiongraph interpretationinvestigationplanning investigationstable construction Students conduct a practical, statistical investigation. They decide on a Topic and question, conduct the survey, complete the tally chart, construct a bar graph of the major ideas and make statements about the results. Preview
45 Estimate these 0 Keywords: additionestimationmoneymultiplication This practical task involves students making best estimates of sets of items and clearly demonstrating their method(s) of estimation. Preview
2 Addition and subtraction facts 1 Keywords: additionbasic factssubtractionwhole numbers Students give answers to addition and subtraction basic facts problems. Preview
3 Subtraction wheel 0 Keywords: equationssubtraction Students complete equations by subtracting given numbers on a subtraction wheel. Preview
4 Cross country finishing times 2 Keywords: additionanalogue timehoursminutesseconds Students work out how long a race took given the starting and finishing time. Answers are split into hours, minutes and seconds. Preview
4 Time calculations 0 Keywords: 24-hour timeadditionsubtractiontime Students work out time calculations involving 24 hour time. Preview
2 The same total 0 Keywords: additioncombinationsmoneymultiplication Students identify different ways that given amounts of money can be made up using a range of coins and notes. Preview
4 International time difference 2 Keywords: 24-hour timenegative numberstimetime-zones Students answer questions about international time differences. Preview
2 Showing change 1 Keywords: changemoneysubtraction Students identify the coins that would be given as change in a range of transactions. Preview
2 Different coins 1 Keywords: additioncombinationsmoneymultiplication In this practical task, students use plastic coins to work out three different ways to make the same amount of money. Preview
2 Buying some things 3 Keywords: additionchangemoneyspendingsubtraction Students addition and subtraction to work out what they can buy with given amounts of money, and the change they will get. Preview
4 Estimating addition II 1 Keywords: additionestimation Students to show how they estimate in some addition problems. Preview
3 Number line addition and subtraction III 4 Keywords: additionnumber linessubtraction Students use number lines to show how to solve whole number addition and subtraction problems. Preview
3 Number line addition II 1 Keywords: additionnumber lines Students use a number line to show how to solve whole number addition problems. Preview
3 Estimating with addition III 1 Keywords: additionestimation This task requires students to estimate some addition problems using any appropriate method. Preview
3 Estimate these II 0 Keywords: additionestimationmoneymultiplication This practical task involves students making estimates of sets of items and demonstrating their method(s) of estimation. Preview
2 Time for school 5 Keywords: additiontime Students answer questions that involve time calculations. Login to preview
4 International time difference II 4 Keywords: 24-hour timenegative numberstimetime-zones Students answer questions about international time differences. Preview
4 Weighing for the post 2 Keywords: additiondecimalsweightwork samples Students find the sum of a number of given decimal weights of objects or the post. Preview
4 Estimating in sport 2 Keywords: additiondiscussionestimationmultiplication Students estimate an addition problem, share their methods, discuss the averaging method, and then do more problems using averaging. Preview