5 Blocks of land 2 Keywords: areaconversion of unitshectares Students calculate the area of a block of land and calculate a width given the area. The questions also involve working with hectares. Preview
23 Reading scales 3 Keywords: linear scalesreading scales Students read scales from pictures of everyday measuring equipment. Preview
23 Spinach and lettuce 8 Keywords: basic factsmultiplicationwhole numbers This task requires students to exhibit multiplication basic facts, and answer story problems about vegetables that require multiplication. Preview
5 Faster than light 1 Keywords: divisionmultiplicationstandard form Students perform calculations on numbers in standard form and convert numbers from standard form to ordinary form and vice versa. Preview
34 Temperature changes 3 Keywords: additiondecimalssubtraction Students use addition and subtraction to calculate temperatures over periods of time. Preview
4 Bearing and distance 5 Keywords: bearingdirectiondistanceradar Students write the bearing and distance of a number of objects on a radar screen. Preview
4 View from a different angle II 3 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesviewsvisualising Students identify which shapes are identical to a given shape that have been rotated. Preview
4 Drawing 3-d Shapes II 0 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesdrawingmodel constructionnetsspatial visualisationtriangular prisms In this practical task, students construct 3-dimensional shapes from nets (provided), and then draw them on a grid. Preview
2 How much change? 2 Keywords: additionchangemoneysubtraction Students identify the correct change from purchasing food at a food bar. Preview
5 How many is that? II 1 Keywords: rates Students work out how many cups of juice can be made or how many runs can be scored from given rates. Preview
23 Going on camp 7 Keywords: subtraction Students solve subtraction story problems and show their strategies. Preview
2 Sharing counters 3 Keywords: equal sharingfractionspartitioning Students share out sets of counters into equal-sized groups. Preview
4 Different weights 3 Keywords: conversion of unitsdecimalsweight Students convert units of weight - milligram, gram, kilogram, and tonne, in order to answer questions about potatoes. Preview
34 Making the largest perimeter 6 Keywords: areaperimeter In this practical task, students cut out shapes and combine them to make a shape with the largest perimeter, and calculate the perimeter and area. Preview
2 Cutting the cake 2 Keywords: fractionspartitioningquotient Students show how to partition shapes into a given number of equal parts and identify the fraction of each part. Preview
5 Buying surfing gear 1 Keywords: discountmoneypercentagestax Students solve number problems involving prices which include and exclude sales tax. Preview
3 4 by 4 Number square 2 Keywords: additionlinear equationsproblem solving Students select from a range of given numbers to complete a 4 x 4 'addition number square' with given row and column totals. Preview
4 Using prime numbers 4 Keywords: factorsprime numbers Students find the prime numbers that add or multiply to given sums or products. Preview
23 Spin a surprise 3 Keywords: independenceprobabilitywork samples Students recognise equal and different likelihoods when playing a game of chance. Preview
1 Always, maybe, never 4 Keywords: probabilityqualitative probability This task is about students selecting 'always', 'maybe' or 'never' to describe the probability of a range of events happening. Preview
4 Gymnastic competition 5 Keywords: decimalsordering numbersplace value Students order decimal numbers which are scores from a gymnastics competition. Preview
12 Predicting length 5 Keywords: estimationlengthmeasuringnon standard unitsunits of measurement In this practical task, students estimate how many multi-link blocks equal the length of two common classroom items. They then check their estimate with the blocks, then measure with a ruler. Preview
4 Two dice game II 0 Keywords: experimentsfair gamespredictionprobability Students predict the probability about the product of two dice and test their prediction by conducting an experiment that estimates the probability. Preview
12 Which graph matches the picture? 5 Keywords: bar graphsgraph interpretationgraphspictographstally charts Task: Decide which of two graphs e.g., tally chart, pictograph, bar graph is represented by a picture and explain how the graph/s are interpreted. Preview
4 What's the angle? 4 Keywords: angles Students identify the angle of different objects and movements. Preview