2 Symmetrical pattern 3 Keywords: reflectionsymmetry In this practical task, students cut out shapes from a folded piece of paper to recreate a pattern of symmetrical shapes. Preview
2 Birthdates, temperature and area 2 Keywords: areamonthsnempperimetertemperatureyears For this NEMP task students perform calculations related to birth dates; and solve measurement problems which involve temperature, area and perimeter. Preview
3 How many Xs cover Y 1 Keywords: arearepeated unitsunit squares Students identify how many unit squares cover given 2-dimensional shapes. Preview
3 Area and perimeter 5 Keywords: areaperimeterunit squares Students calculate the area and perimeter of four shapes on a grid. Preview
3 Cutting the door down 1 Keywords: centimetresconversion of unitslengthmetresmillimetres Students convert the millimetre dimensions of a door to metres and centimetres. Preview
12 Sorting temperatures 3 Keywords: orderingtemperature Students order five situations involving different temperatures of water from hottest to coldest. Preview
4 Which formula? 3 Keywords: algebraic expressionspronumerals Students select the correct expression to describe word problems. Preview
3 Spinner chances 4 Keywords: chancelikelihoodprobabilityspinners Using a diagram of a spinner, students choose the chances of the arrow landing on particular numbers. Preview
3 Commutative number sentences II 1 Keywords: additioncommutativityequality Students use the commutative property to find missing numbers in equations and explain the property. Preview
5 Area of four lawns 5 Keywords: areacomposite shapes Students calculate the areas of four composite shapes. Preview
5 Estimating the area of Antarctica 2 Keywords: areaestimationpisa Students use a scale map to estimate the area of Antarctica and explain their method. Preview
5 Enlargement and area 1 Keywords: areaenlargementresizingscale factor Students enlarge a shape on a grid and explore the relationship between scale factor and area. Preview
3 Shapes that tessellate 2 Keywords: shape propertiestessellations Students sort different shapes into tessellating and not tessellating categories and explain their reasoning. Preview
2 Sorting some shapes 7 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapesshape properties Students sort shapes using two attributes, and recognise where the attributes overlap. Preview
4 Score out of 10 2 Keywords: decimalsordering numbersplace value Students create three-place decimal numbers from the four digits given to show the scores at a music competition. Preview
4 Health percentages 5 Keywords: decimal fractionsdecimalspercentages Students convert percentages to decimal numbers. Preview
2 Turning wheels 2 Keywords: anti-clockwiseclockwisedrawingrotationtransformations This task requires students to draw in what the pattern on a bicycle wheel would look like after it has made clockwise and anticlockwise turns. Preview
4 Naming shapes II 1 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapesquadrilaterals Students select the correct name for regular quadrilateral shapes. Preview
4 Reflecting the number 5 0 Keywords: drawingreflectiontransformations Students draw reflections of an object with a mirror line. Preview
4 How many coins? 1 Keywords: linear equationsmoneymultiplicationproblem solving Students calculate the number of different coins in a given amount of money. Preview
12 More or less 0 Keywords: mapping diagramsnumber patternsrelationships Students complete number relationships using 'is two more than' and 'is two less than'. Preview
5 Using trigonometry to calculate length 0 Keywords: cosinesinetangentstrigonometry Students choose the correct trigonometric ratio which would be used to calculate a missing length in two practical problems. Preview
4 Dinosaur algebra 2 Keywords: linear equationspronumeralsrules Students describe a variable in a linear equation, solve the equation, and complete a second equation relating to weights. Preview
23 Missing numbers II 4 Keywords: number patternsrecursive rules Students find missing numbers to complete addition, subtraction and multiplication number patterns. Preview
34 Making stick patterns 1 Keywords: model constructionpracticalquadratic equationrecursive rulesspatial patterns Students use sticks to copy and continue a given spatial pattern, and identify the number of sticks needed to make a new shape in the pattern. Preview