2 Different addition number sentences 1 Keywords: additiondiscussionequalityequations Students solve different forms of addition equations. Preview
3 Equality 1 Keywords: additiondiscussionequality Students explore the concept of equality by deciding whether addition sentences are true, false or not proper number sentences. Preview
2 Cuisenaire number sentences 1 Keywords: additionanimal stripscuisenaire rodsequalitynumber sentencespractical Students use Cuisenaire rods or Animal strips to make up addition number sentences and record them. Preview
2 Balance pans 1 Keywords: equalityequivalencenumber sentences Students draw in the correct number of blocks needed to balance some scales and write equations for scales that show balance. Preview
2 What is equal? 4 Keywords: additionequality Students explore the concept of equality by deciding whether addition sentences are true, false or not proper number sentences. Preview
3 Some maths problems 9 Keywords: additionwork samples Students solve addition maths problems and show their strategy for working it out. Preview
2 How many groups? 9 Keywords: divisionquotition Students find the number of groups of a given size using division, reverse multiplication, trial and improvement, or iterative equal sharing. Students must show their working. Preview
4 Left over toys 6 Keywords: divisionequal sharingpartitioning Students show how to divide 3-digit whole numbers into equal sized groups and identify any remainder. Preview
3 How many groups? II 4 Keywords: divisionquotition Students show how to divide given amounts into the number of groups of a given size. Preview
2 Commutative number sentences I 3 Keywords: additioncommutativityequalitykey competencies Students use the commutative property to find missing numbers in equations and explain the property. Preview
3 Commutative number sentences II 1 Keywords: additioncommutativityequality Students use the commutative property to find missing numbers in equations and explain the property. Preview
3 Buses, games and trains 6 Keywords: subtractionwork samples Students solve subtraction maths problems and show their strategy for working it out. Preview
5 Dividing fractions 3 Keywords: divisionfractionskey competenciesmixed fractions Students calculate fraction division problems and show their working. Preview
23 Equal sharing III 1 Keywords: divisionequal sharingpartitioning Students break given numbers into equal sized groups. Students must show their working. Preview
23 Missing numbers II 4 Keywords: number patternsrecursive rules Students find missing numbers to complete addition, subtraction and multiplication number patterns. Preview
4 Finding fractions II 4 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorskey competencies Students answer questions using a fraction as an operator to find the fraction quantities. Preview
4 Estimating multiplication 0 Keywords: estimationmultiplication This task requires students to show how to estimate numbers of items in some multiplication problems using any acceptable estimation strategy. Preview